Chapter Ninety-One: Naruto and Sasuke vs Madara

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Immediately afterward, Obito asked Sakura to destroy the Rinnegan which he had taken from Nagato. But, of course, Sakura was still skeptical about him. She didn't trust him. He was the enemy after all, even if he had saved Naruto. So Obito tried his hardest to convince her to trust him.

Mai didn't interfere and kept on healing Akira instead. 

However, soon after Naruto had gone back on the battlefield, Madara appeared all of a sudden in Obito's dimension thanks to the sharingan he had stolen from Kakashi before Sakura could destroy the Rinnegan.

Mai's eyes widened as she saw him in there.


Obito managed to send Sakura out of there just in time before Madara could do anything to her. But he didn't have time to send either Akira or Mai back on the battlefield.

And so Mai witnessed how he lashed out at Obito and discovered that he was actually the one who had planned out Rin's death to manipulate Obito like a mere pawn. She was totally horrified after hearing this, so much so she had stopped healing Akira by now without even realising it.

After his revelations, Madara finally glanced at Akira and Mai. 

Mai was frozen in her spot, now fearing the worst.

"Can't you see that what you've been doing is totally useless?" Madara said to her.


"Once a Jinchūriki's Bijū has been extracted from him, he is bound to die. Unless....."


"....He is revived."


"But this won't happen."

Next thing she knew, Madara was clutching her throat forcefully just like Obito had done to her earlier. Her feet weren't touching the ground anymore. 


So with his right hand he was holding Obito and with the other Mai. 

"D-Don't touch... Her!"

Madara looked at Obito again. 

"What if I do? What do you think you can do against me now?"

Obito tried to struggle free from his grip, but couldn't.

"Y-You... Bastard...!"

Madara glanced back and forth from Obito to Mai, before an amused smirk appeared on his face.

"What if.... Instead I killed you.... He did....?"


"Is there a better thing for a woman than dying from the hand of the man she loves?"


"That's what happened to Rin. She died by the hand of the boy she loved."

Mai frowned and glared at him.

Did he really have to twist the knife in the wound?

"Y-You...." she trailed off helplessly. 

"...No...!" Obito trailed off. 

Madara stared at him. 

"What? You don't even love her. So why do you even care if she dies?" Madara inquired.


"But.... I can't understand what you saw in that girl though.... Personally, if I had had to choose between her and Hashirama's descendant, I would have chosen the latter... Mai, is it?"

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