Chapter Sixty-One: A baby??

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A few days after the fight against Hidan and Kakuzu, Ino offered her team to go eat at the barbecue restaurant, then asking Team Seven and Team Guy to join them. She also asked the Godaime to eat with them and Mai of course accepted.

They were now having dinner, all enjoying themselves, well except for Mai. She wasn't feeling like eating at all today, let alone meat and greasy stuff. The only thing she could swallow was water and her own saliva.

This queasy sensation was becoming too much for her. She hated it, like really much.

But no one seemed to notice that something was off with her. Well, it had to be noted that she was hiding her condition pretty well. Even Kakashi didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he already had, and he was hiding his concern just as well and waiting for the right time to talk to Mai about it.

But when was the right time? Was there even a right time for that kind of stuff?

She had no idea.

Her mother had asked her when she intended to tell Kakashi about her pregnancy, and she had responded that she would tell him later, which means anything and nothing.

The truth was that Mai was afraid, the way kakashi had been about confessing to her.

Yes, she feared his reaction, and rejection. They had never planned on having a family together, and now was certainly not the right time, that's what Mai kept repeating to herself.

Well, generally people that love each other have children later on, but still, that wasn't enough to make Mai stop doubting. Yes, she had already doubted too much, had said so herself, but she unwillingly kept on doing so.

Having a baby wasn't just any decision. You couldn't trifle with this kind of decision.

This was now a real dilemma for Mai.



Lee had been the one to speak.


"Is everything alright, Godaime-Sama?" he asked her somehow concerned.

"Oh yes, I was just daydreaming, nothing important though. Sorry about that, Lee."

"But aren't you going to eat anything? You haven't eaten yet," Lee pointed out, still concerned.

"Well, I'm not really hungry tonight. Sorry, I know it's not very polite."

"Would you like something lighter, like some salad? I can ask if they have some if you wish."

"No, it will be alright, Lee. Thank you."

"Are you sure? You're looking very pale."

Well, maybe she wasn't hiding her condition that well after second thought....

"It's nothing. I'm just a bit sick. But it's nothing serious."

Shikamaru had been listening to their small conversation while all the others were still speaking with each other.

Ino was telling about some story to Naruto, Akira, Sakura, Sai, and Chōji while Neji was speaking with Tenten and Gai was talking to Kakashi.

Lee just nodded in silence and resumed his dinner. As for Shikamaru, he was still keeping an eye on Mai, not bothering to eat or listen to what the others had to say.

Still, Lee would side glance at her occasionally to make sure she was okay.

Mai truly didn't know what to do now. Once again, she wished Jiraiya could have been there for her to give her some advice, but he still hadn't come back. And she still didn't want to bother him with her personal problems while he was away for important business.

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