Chapter 55

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It was a Wednesday and Maya turned twenty-nine weeks.
She wasn't extremely big neither did she have like crazy pain except the contractions she would have now and then.
But she had actually had a meeting to see Abby so she could just sort a few things out.
Maya was just filling out a form when Abby came in.

"Hi. How are you?" Abby asked.
"I'm good. How are you?" Maya asked.
"Good. Why did you want to see me?" Abby asked.
"I've been getting like contractions similar to the one's I had with my son's birth so I think this baby is coming earlier. The doctor agrees so I want you to actually start earlier as well," Maya said.
"That will be so good. My own grew is driving me crazy," Abby said.
"You have children of your own?" Maya asked.
"My oldest daughter is seven then I have four other kids. A five year old, three year old and my most recent son just turned one," Abby said.
"That is good then. I'll let you know when it is compulsory to come in so until then we can take it easy but this baby is coming earlier," Maya said.
"Aren't you still early?" Abby asked.
"Twenty-nine weeks from today and I have had the contractions over two weeks ago but like I said I'll keep you updated."
"Good luck and if you want me to jump in sometime even earlier just text me," Abby said.

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