Chapter 40

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Maya was giving Jackson some bananas while Raven was drinking juice.
The apartment was full of boxes and old stuff that weren't going to be used for a bit.
Next week the truck is coming to move everything to Philadelphia so Maya wanted to get started.
It was decided that it would be best if she did start with some of it and in the nights Josh would help where he can with both of the kids and the moving.
Josh wanted to be there but it was agreed that he would finish things up at the office and then he'll start helping next week with packing.
Josh only had another week left at the office then he was also finished.
Maya put Jackson down for a nap while Raven played with some dolls.
Stuff Maya did already packed up was like Jackson's stroller, a lot of his clothes since it was kinda cold at the moment and Raven's crib since she was sleeping in a bit girl bed.
Maya had also packed up the extra bedding and clothes of both her and Josh that they didn't wear at the moment.
For Maya it was pretty much all her clothes since she was twenty-weeks pregnant and fit in barely anything.
She had a few maternity jeans, maternity shirts and jackets that she didn't pack away since she will be wearing that.
Maya heard a knock on the door and opened it up.

"What the hell Maya? Why do I have to hear from Riley that you are moving away?" Lucas asked clearly upset.
"We announced that a week before Valentine's. Did she only tell you now?" Maya asked.
"Valentine's? That was almost three weeks ago," Lucas said loudly.
"Could you be quiet? Jackson is taking a nap," Maya said.
"Sorry. I didn't know. How am I going to deal with my girlfriend when she gets difficult if you're gone?" Lucas asked.
"It's Pennsylvania Lucas. Not Europe. You can still reach me and she can come as much as she wants. I'm just tired of everyone critizing me over how I live my life. First it was Jackson and now with this pregnancy she is doing the exact same and it does get tiring. But it's not like I'm leaving America. Trust me I'm still living in it. We are just going to love our lives in a different place. That's all," Maya said.
"I have to get to college. I have a class. See you around Maya," Lucas said.
"See ya Friar," Maya said and Lucas left.

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