Chapter 19

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It was much later the same day and Katy and Shawn was with Raven.
They were loving everything about her and regretted that they missed two years of her life.

"Where is Jackson?" Shawn asked and Maya looked up.
"Taking his afternoon nap," Maya said showing him the monitor.
"When is his birthday? Last when we saw him he was ten months and that was two months ago. Maybe a month," Katy said.
"Yeah it was a month. His birthday is the same as his mom's. He is actually growing up too fast. Today he said his first word," Maya said.
"And what was that? Same as Raven?" Shawn asked.
"Aw that's sweet. It really does help to be there. We regret being away from her more than anything," Katy said.
"I know you do," Maya said and closed the computer.
"Why didn't you ever put the business over in my name?"
"We did," Shawn said.
"Not actually. They called me awhile back. I'm gonna lose everything besides if I gather the money. We are holding a charity even with me singing and so on," Maya said.
"I can't believe I forgot to do it. Sorry," Shawn said.
"Nah it's fine," Maya said.

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