Chapter 47

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It was Friday as well as the second April.
Maya was getting used to everything as it was and also getting her clients ready for when she stops working in two months.
She is extremely excited to be able to stop working so she can just relax before ethe baby comes but she also does know that she doesn't just want to neglect the business so she has to do a lot.
It was early the morning when Maya got a call from Amy.

"Mom? Is everything okay?" Maya asked suddenly panicking.
"I'm sure it's nothing but Jax has a huge fever and is very crying," Amy said.
"How high?" Maya asked.
"What! For any toddler that is high. Okay I'm on my way. Just keep him calm. I'll be there in ten minutes," Maya said as she put her phone in her bag before going to Josh's office.

"Hey your mom called. Jackson has a fever of almost 120. I'm gonna take him to the hospital," Maya said.
"Hundred-and-twenty? Okay I just have a meeting but I'll try to get there as soon as I can," Josh said.
"No it's fine. I'll bring him here to relax so I'll cope. I'll see you in a bit."
"Good luck," Josh said and Maya was gone.

She rushed to Amy's and immediately went in the house.
Obviously Raven was excited to see her sister but she didn't notice that very much.
She heard Jackson crying and went to the kitchen.

"Hey what's going on?" Maya asked as she took Jackson.
"What's wrong Baby Boy?" Maya asked as she felt his head.
"Had he eaten anything today?" Maya asked.
"Yoghurt and that's it. Doesn't want his milk and vomited twice," Amy said.
"Oh gosh. Okay. Raven why don't you get your backpack? I'll take both of them. Thank you for letting me know. It's probably just an infection. Raven you ready?" Maya asked.
"Let's go. See you Mom," Maya said and was gone.

She rushed to the hospital and went immediately to the ER.

"What's the problem?"
"Fever near 120 and vomiting. My mother-in-law informed me and I immediately went to fetch him," Maya said.
"Age?" the doctor asked.
"Thirteen months," Maya said.
"Okay I'll check for an infection and then I'll just let the nurse gge him something for his fever. He'll be fine," the doctor said and was gone.

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