Chapter 43

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It was late the Saturday evening and Maya and Josh was sitting outside drinking a cup of tea.
A few necessary things are packed like Raven's bed and Jackson's crib and all of the baby's stuff of course.
The two were just enjoying the last of the Saturday before they officially have to start unpacking tomorrow.
Maya hears a car and smiles.

"Honey I think your parents are here," Maya said and Amy climbed out.
"Wow. Tell me we are at the wrong house," Alan said.
"Nope. Welcome to our home," Josh said.
"Quite a home you got here. Where are the kids?" Amy said.
"Sleeping," Maya said referring to the monitor on her hip.
"How many things did you guys get packed out?" Amy asked.
"Just a few stuff. Let's show you guys around," Maya said and they went inside.

It was definitely a genourmes house with more than enough room for more children and guests when the married are getting.
It was a eight bedroom house with eight bathrooms and a pool.
The backyard was just as big and it was probably the safest neighborhood in Philadelphia.

"This place is amazing guys. We are really happy," Alan said and Amy gave Maya a basket.
"Just to say welcome to Philadelphia. Know it's very strange for you to suddenly be in a new place with two kids for the first time," Amy said.
"Aw thank you Mom. Definitely helps that my husband is a real Philadelphian," Maya said smiling giving Amy a hug.
"No problem. We hope you guys enjoy this. Otherwise you guys are going to have to come to ours," Amy joked.
"Yeah well your son doesn't know it yet but we are attending every Sunday family dinner. I'll make sure about that," Maya said.
"Tell me why I married such a family girl?" Josh asked throwing his arm around Maya's shoulder pulling her closer to him.
"Well I am glad about that cause now I can see both my son and grandchildren more often. Listen can we come help tomorrow?" Amy asked.
"You're welcome. We are actually only starting the business off in two weeks so we can get settled in and I can show Maya around," Josh said.
"Good luck with all of that," Alan said.
"Okay we are going to leave you guys. Probably want some time to get used to the house. We'll see you guys at nine tomorrow," Amy said.
"See you guys then," Josh said and his parents were gone.

"You know this is actually really cool. Feels like when we moved into our old apartment before Jackson was born," Maya said.
"Kinda does," Josh said.

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