Chapter 2

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It was three hours later and Maya was finished.
Her clients streamed in at once and of course she hadn't even thought of how she could get everything done.
She was as for the moment heading to Josh to get Jackson.
She knocked on his door and went in to see Jax asleep.

"Morning nap. What did your parents want?" Josh asked.
"A explanation and their daughter," Maya said.
"Well I'm sorry to burst their bubbly but you're taken," Josh said.
"Joshua this isn't funny," Maya said.
"I know. What did they want an explanation on?" Josh asked.
"Jackson. They thought after the merge I was just going to leave you and be free. I can't believe they expected me to do that. I'll have to watch Raven very carefully now. They are determined to take her."
"They can't. They left her as a baby. She won't be able to recognise them anyway," Josh said.
"Let's hope so," Maya said and sat down.
"Look tired. Had a rough morning?" Josh asked.
"Nothing spectacular. Just a lot of clients and running around. Listen it seems like we have a new problem. One of our big clients are threatening to withdraw their contract with us," Maya said.
"Who?" Josh asked and sat down.
"Bruce and Bishops. Apparently they are not just complaining about our service but what we have been doing isn't good enough," Maya said.
"We have been working with them for eleven years. Are you sure?"
"Dead sure. Ann from Administration told me. I'm on my way to them actually," Maya said.
"Leave Jax with me," Josh said.
"I'll be fine. Besides you probably have a bunch of meetings and I know for a fact you have to go out to see someone. I'll manage."
"Okay. We can talk about Raven at home," Josh said.
"I'm going straight home after this meeting. My parents are coming over tonight to discuss Raven," Maya said.
"I'll see you then," Maya said.

She quickly took the handle of Jackson's seat and was gone.
She was seriously stressed with what she had heard and didn't want the business to have that loss.
Maya went to a Café where she should meet them and saw Megan.

"Mrs Lawrence," Maya said.
"Mrs Matthews. Thanks for seeing me. Who is this?" Megan asked.
"My son, Jackson. I hope it's okay. I usually work with him at my side," Maya said.
"Of course. Sit down. We have a lot to discuss," Megan said.
"I hear you're unsatisfied with out service to start with. I don't get it. The last function we did, did good," Maya said.
"You're very slow. Our last function went smooth but not as smooth as it did during the last eleven years. Listen I know you must be pretty occupied with your son but this contract is important. We caterer for many people. We need our functions to run smoothly."
"I get it. And maybe we just need to head back to the basics. Send me a list of all your acairements and I'll see what we are able to do with our eyes closed and what not. Then we can work out an agreement," Maya said.
"You'll do that?" Megan asked.
"Usually Ann from Administration does it but you are a big client. Both me and my husband want to make sure you guys are satisfied with our service. So I'll handle this one. Just get it all done with. I'll give you till tomorrow to write me the email," Maya said.
"Good. I'll make sure eyou get it. Thank you Mrs Matthews," Megan said.
"Pleasure. I'll see you," Maya said.

Maya picked Raven up from daycare and went straight home.
She got both her and Jackson settled in front of the television while she did start with dinner.
Ever since she got back to work from maternity leave she had an agreement and that's that she works from eight-two and comes back home to take care of the kids.
But it definitely was more stressful since her parents were coming over.
They hadn't seen Raven in more than a year and maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents they can't take her.
Maya just prepares a pie and puts it in the oven.
She text her parents to come over for dinner and her mom said it's fine.
But how is she going to take it?
Maya goes to sit down next to Raven and Jax then the doorbell rings.
Here we go.

"Mom, Dad come in," Maya said.
"How did you afford this?" Shawn asked.
"Mom and my biological father put a trust to that paid out when I turned eighteen. Or when I finished high school. Me and Josh moved in about two months after Jackson was born," Maya said.
"Oh my gosh. Look how big she's gotten," Katy said.
"She has," Maya said and picked Jackson up.
"Raven this is Mommy and Daddy," Maya said.
"No!" Raven said.
"What's wrong Ravvie?" Maya asked and Raven ran to her room.
"Well that went great," Katy said.

"What did you expect?" Josh said.
"Evening Josh," Shawn said.
"Shawn, Katy. Hello," Josh said and gave Maya a kiss.
"Hi. Could you go check if Raven is okay? I just want to strap him."
"Yeah," Josh said.
"Strap him?" Shawn said.
"Yeah," Maya said and went over to a jumper.
"What is this?" Katy asked.
"Jumper. He likes standing at all times and jumps pretty often in this thing. There we go," Maya said and went to check on the food.
"Why is she acting like that? It's not what we expected," Katy said.
"She is just a bit tired. We had a rough day and the daycare told me she is a bit weird," Maya said.
"Since when is she in a daycare?" Shawn asked.
Seven months ago so since April when I went back to work. Its easier that way with just Jax at my work and Raven was getting the urge to see more kids her own age. I have to say she has made a lot of friends. She talks about this one girl like I talked about Riley."
"Maya," Josh said and came with Raven in his arms.

"Hey Sweetheart. Come here," Maya said and took Raven.
"They're not going to hurt you. It's Mommy and Daddy," Maya said.
"Promise?" Raven asked.
"I promise," Maya said and put Raven down.

She walked a little around and Josh stood behind Maya.
Eventually Raven felt safe enough to go to Shawn.
She let him pick her up and didn't say a word.

"Hello Sweetie. Wow you've grown up so much," Shawn said.
"She has. Wow Maya. You did a great job in raising her," Katy said.
"She isn't raised yet. We still have a long way to go. Don't we? But she is happy. That's all that matters," Maya said.
"Down," Raven said and Shane put her down.
"We will take her. We are eternally..."
"You can't do that," Josh said.
"But she's our daughter. We have every..."
"Last year you may have had rights. But for now you don't. The law won't allow you to take her after you were missing for nine months. Besides Raven needs medical attention. She had Tuberculosis last year which was pretty bad and thanks to the doctors she is now cured. But I don't want to take changes," Maya said.
"And if we say we're going to court?" Shawn asked.
"I don't care who the hell you are but you don't threaten my wife in our own home," Josh said.
"Whoa. Slow down Honey. Listen you can dot hat if you want to. But who do you think they are going to chose. The people who left her or the people who have been raising her the past nine months."
"Okay. We'll see you in court then," Katy said and they went out.
"That went well. Great," Maya said.

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