Chapter 48

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It was about two weeks later since the entire episode with Jackson and since then Maya hasn't let him or Raven out of her sight.
Tuesday, 20 April and Maya was going crazy.
She is now twenty-five and a half weeks pregnant, almost twenty six actually.
Raven and Jackson was playing in a corner while Maya just had a few business stuff she had to do.
A knock and then Abby appears.

"My gosh. Is that your son?" Abby asked.
"Jackson and my sister, Raven. Sorry you'll have to deal with them. Jax has been sick so I have been keeping him with me. What is the problem?"
"Nothing. I just want to finalize a few little things about the job. The contract says I only start in about two months. I sthat correct?"
"Yeah it is. I'm only going on maternity leave then and of course I want to work as much as I can until she does arrive. Is that a problem?" Maya asked.
"Not at all. And then secondly I want to know about a few things in the contract that I don't understand," Abby said.
"Okay where do we start?"

Maya went through with the contract with Abby and then she went home.
Jackson went down for a nap on Maya's lap while Raven just coloured in.
Of course both of the kids were really good but Maya doesn't actually know if they will be acting as good as they are right now.
One of the directors were actually on his way to meet with her and she had no idea how she was going to handle him with two kids.

"Mrs Matthews this is not right. You can't bring two toddlers to work."
"Mr Harve they aren't causing trouble. Besides that isn't why I called you here. I have received a lot of complaints from our clients. Why is that? Aren't you supposed to be controlling this?" Maya asked.
"We are but it isn't that easy. The people are overworked and it isn't something I can fix in a day. Give me a few days and I'll give you an update."

Always You (Sequal to Trouble In Paradise) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang