Chapter 3

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It was six the morning.
Maya had a lot to do but first little Jackson woke her up early.
But she didn't complain.
She was enjoying the mom lore way too much.
She was already so much of a mom to Raven and now she has Jax.
Which is her baby.
Her everything.
Then there was just about everything else.
Not just her sister but also her husband who supports her in everything.
But she had to think about what she is going to do about her parents.
They're going to go to court to fight for their daughter.
If that isn't enough they think Jackson was a mistake.
She can't believe she is stuck in the middle.
What can possibly be worse?
But she can't let it get her down.
She has anyway way too much to do.

After she gave Jackson his bottle she put him down with Raven so they could play and got everything ready.
She already got Raven's lunch and snacks ready for the play group then she heard a knock against the door.

"Morning. Are you Maya Matthews?"
"Yes I am. How can I help?" Maya asked.
"I'm Rodger. I'm an attorney. I'm here with a custody."
"Let me see it," Maya said and he gave it.
"Yeah just what I thought. My business card. You can contact me on that for the date," Maya said.
"Goodbye Mrs Matthews," Rodger said and was off.

"Who was that?" Josh asked.
"My parents' attorney. They're going through with the case. If they want to do it like that let them come. I'm ready for them. I'm not scared of them," Maya said and Josh laughed.
"That's my wife. There's the fierce Maya I met years ago," Josh said.
"I'm going to fight Josh. I'm going to Topanga for help in the court and after that I'm going to make sure they don't lay their hands on Raven ever again. They want a fight, they got one."

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