Chapter 30

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It was late the night when Maya and Josh finally got the kids to bed.
Raven was getting a bit rough and for Jackson...
Well he acts like a one-year-old.
Maya also entered her second trimester today and she is very excited.
In less than a week they find out the gender of baby number 2 and for now that is all she can think about.
Maya was busy with some last minjte paperwork while Josh was making tea.

"Josh," Maya said.
"Yeah Sweetheart?" Josh said and gave Maya a cup.
"Were you serious last night? About moving to Philadelphia?"
"Yeah of course I was. Why?" Josh asked.
"I haven't stopped to think about it. What is stopping us? Why don't we do it? We'll still see your brother with times and we'll have the space to do our own thing. Of course we'll have to look for houses and a office to move the business to but I think we should do it."
"You serious? Isn't it going to be rough not to be close to Riley?" Josh asked.
"With how things are now? No," Maya said.
"Let's do it then. Let's go to Philadelphia," Josh said.
"But we only tell people when we are 100% sure that is what we want to do. We can't afford to tell everyone and then say it's not happening. When we got the house and a office sorted we'll tell everyone," Maya said.
"Of course. I'll contact an estate agent. But I already have a place which we can look at. The neighbourhood is good and the schools are really good. We'll adjust just fine and before we know we'll have everything we need," Josh said.

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