We Gather Together Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

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Julia McCullcoh was about to place the coffee service on the table in front of the couch, "Almost ready, Sam?"

"Did you want that in the picture, Julia?"

"We can't have that now, can we? Let's put it in the den for the time being."

As Julia carried the coffee service into the den, Annie reminded Jack and her two kids that the picture would be taken soon. Julia noticed Maya sitting on the staircase talking with Drew about Scott's former company in San Francisco.

"So, Scott sold his company," stated Drew. "Interesting."

"He's one of the best. Radiance Press was top quality," Maya said.

Julia interrupted them, "Picture time." She placed the coffee service down in the den. Alison was behind her, "Thank you again, Mrs. McCulloch."

"Julia, please."

"Everything was delicious."

"As my grandmother used to say, 'Famous meals are made on famous appetites.' I hope you visit often."

"I hope so too."

Ben came downstairs in a gray herringbone tweed jacket. "We ready?"

Julia recognized the jacket, "Don't you look nice in your father's jacket."

"And it fits. I didn't think he would mind."

From the living room, Sam yelled, "Okay, everyone. Camera's ready."

Julia said under her breath, "Let's go in the living room and get this over with."

When Julia entered the living room ahead of Ben and Alison, Drew was talking with Scott. "I really need someone, Scott. Ben's busy with school and Dad wants to stay retired."

"Mom wants Dad to stay retired is more like it" was Scott's observation.

"At least think about it?" Drew posed.

"I'm taking Maya into Manhattan tomorrow and then I'll take a look at what you're doing."

"How'd you get here, by the way? Where's your car?"

"About a mile or so down the road. I ran out of gas and then Maya and I ran here."

"You ran to get here? Why?"

"Had to get here by four o'clock. Couldn't miss the hymn." Scott and Drew smiled at each other, putting their arms around each other's shoulders.

"Okay," said Sam. "I think I've got this figured out," he said of the camera. "Let's pray that this works. But I think I've got it."

Julia passed Sam on her way to take a seat in the middle of the couch, whispering, "Sam McCulloch, you've always had it. From the day you were born."

Sam smiled at her compliment and gave her a quick kiss. Jason turned to Kelly, "Grampy just kissed Grammy. Yucky."

"Now Julia, since your sister isn't here to do the honors, why don't you place people where you want them around the couch," advised Sam.

"Everyone, sit and stand where you please. How was that, Sam?" She laughed.

"Let's try it with women on the couch and the men standing behind them. And all the grandchildren can be on laps." Sam looked at the computer screen on the back of the digital camera. White squares framed the faces of everyone in the picture. "Drew and Scott, save my place between you so I can jump in there behind your mother."

Ben remarked, "Dad, you can stand back here and trigger the camera using your cell phone."

"Don't confuse me, Ben. This is all difficult enough as it is."

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now