We Gather Together Chapter Eighty-Nine

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Jack Drexler opened the door of his motel room with his key pad; in his arms were folded clothes. He had spent the last hour and a half at a laundromat in town, during which time he got take-out chop suey from a nearby Chinese restaurant which he ate while he watched socks, tee shirts and boxers spinning and falling in a dryer. Between bites of noodles with chopsticks and hearing the whirr and thump of the dryer, he kept telling himself, "This is no way to live." He wanted to go home to Annie and the kids.

He placed his folded laundry on a corner table in the room and hesitated to turn on the TV. Did he really want to spend another night alone in his motel room surfing channels with the remote until he found an old movie or a sports event?

He noticed the hour and then peered over at his suit and a tattersall dress shirt hanging on a clothes bar next to the bathroom. He had time to get dressed and make it to the Thanksgiving service at the church in Castlebury.

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now