We Gather Together Chapter Sixty-Four

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Drew McCulloch rinsed pots, plates and glasses at the kitchen sink, placing them on a folded dishtowel on the counter above the dishwasher. Cara sponged the high chair as she looked into the living room. Courtney held Lindsay in her lap on the couch while they watched cartoons on a flat screen TV over the mantel.

Cara approached Drew as he loaded the dishwasher, "So, what'd they say?"

"Who? The architect or your father?"


"This project is so big, Cara. I don't know how I can do it all by myself," he said, "I don't know if I can build the addition and still keep our steady customers happy all at the same time."

"Didn't my father tell you not to worry? And I'll help too," she said.

"People are relying on me to make decisions that will benefit and enrich their lives, Cara. It has never been about me. It's always been about helping all the others I'm responsible for."

Cara knew the truth behind Drew's statement. It was that truth of selflessness and generosity that endeared her and others to Drew; however, she also knew that the pressure might affect the wisdom of his decisions. She thought that perhaps others in the family might be able to alleviate some of the stress that Drew was experiencing. "Maybe Ben will help out."

"I doubt it," he answered quickly.

"You worked at the plant all those summers when you were in college."

"I wanted to. Ben's always been more interested in computers and coding."

"Perfect. He can convert all your systems and design the new ones."

"This is all a great opportunity and also a remarkable challenge. I know that. I know that I can do what's involved. And that I can do it well."

"I know that too, Drew. But you don't have to do it alone."

Drew didn't answer Cara right away. He left the dishwasher door open so Cara could squirt liquid soap into the machine and start it.

"Only if Ben wants to," Drew said, sliding the dishtowel in the handle of the refrigerator. "I am glad to talk to him about it. But I'm not doing to him what Dad did to Scott. This is something we can discuss this later. Because. . ."

Drew let his thought drift as he entered to the living room to join his daughters on the couch. "Now it's time of jammies."

However, both girls were asleep in front of the TV. Drew used a remote to turn it off, handed Lindsay to Cara and then lifted Courtney off the couch. The girls could say their bedtime prayers tomorrow night; Mom and Dad would do it for them tonight, as well as for themselves. Drew and Cara took their daughters upstairs to bed, knowing that nothing was more important in their lives than these two little girls. 

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat