We Gather Together Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Scott McCulloch was sound asleep in the front passenger seat of his Bimmer. He had rolled up his bomber jacket as a pillow, having forgotten to take the pillow from his backpack earlier, and placed the jacket against the glass of the passenger side window.

Maya was driving. She saw a highway sign for Elko, Nevada indicated in the headlights and checked the gas gauge. There was enough fuel to get them to Utah.

This trip east with Scott was the first time Maya had driven across the country. Being a native Californian, she had rarely been out of the state and had been to New York only once, when she was interviewed by the manager at her new company, D'Artagnan Marketeers. The firm ascribed to the design philosophy of Raymond Loewy and his MAYA principle of "Most Advanced Yet Acceptable." The manager joked after the interview that the reason she was offered the job with them was not based on her experience or design concepts, but because her name was Maya. When she accepted their job offer, she said she was ready for a new adventure, especially after the break-up with her long-time college boyfriend from Berkeley.

Maya had been enjoying the trip east with Scott for the most part; however, she had spent most of the drive through the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the phone with New York discussing digital files, visual inspiration boards, and strategic buckets. Even with Scott driving, she had been unable to enjoy the scenery since her concentration was on her laptop and technical conversations. Scott told Maya that he was getting an education just listening to her and that she could later explain to him what all the terms were that he didn't understand.

The night drive through the flat country of northern Nevada was easier than Maya had first assumed. Thankfully for her, she thought, the semi-trucks and long-haul vehicles were not as intimidating as she had feared when she took over driving after a fast food dinner off the exit in Winnemucca. The only thing scary so far was when a large gust of wind almost forced her onto the right shoulder an hour after she had watched the sunset in her rearview mirror. She had been traveling just over the speed limit at ninety miles an hour when the wind pushed the car off the road, the sound of sand and gravel on the tires almost waking up Scott.

Maya was feeling relieved that she would probably get to New York in time. The conversations with her new colleagues at D'Artagnan Marketeers had been positive; she was excited to be working with them and to be a part of their team. The Bimmer was handling the road well and her driving was smooth and confident. She had kept the music low so as not to disturb Scott. He had driven more than eight hours that day and needed rest.

Scott started mumbling in his sleep.

Maya saw him shifting his head back and forth in his folded bomber jacket. Maya knew from his movements and heavy breathing that he was in a deep REM sleep. She thought about nudging his left shoulder to wake him out of it, but then wanted Scott to keep sleeping. He would be doing more driving in another few hours once the sun came up.

Maya figured that she'd see the first light of the new day when she drove through the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah and the sun would stare right at her through the windshield, like the eye of God winking "Good morning" to her. Right now, she couldn't remember ever seeing so many stars in the heavens.

Scott was muttering again, this time louder.

Maya knew that Scott remained in a deep sleep. He started talking. He got louder and then became panicked, "Wendy, stop! Don't do it! Stop!"

Maya was startled but kept control of the car. Did he want her to stop the car? Her name wasn't Wendy. Who was Wendy?

Maya thought to pull over and then wake up Scott, but he went back to mumbling again, smacking his lips and shifting in his seat, pulling the bomber jacket closer to his head.

Maya continued driving east but was curious and concerned. While she was grateful that Scott was taking all this time and making all this effort to help her, she was also beginning to care very much about him.

Although she wanted to make sure that he was okay, it was not her nature to say anything; however, she would be glad to listen, if and when Scott wanted to talk. They had another two days on the road and there would be plenty of time to do just that, but only if Scott wanted to say something, anything.

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang