We Gather Together Chapter Seventy-Five

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Ben McCulloch was awakened by Alison Donnelly running the back of her index finger across his naked chest. She ran it across the scar on his abs from when he almost died as a baby. He enjoyed what she was doing and wanted to kiss her, but he first tested his morning mouth by exhaling into his hand, allowing himself to smell his own breath. He realized that he had better not breathe on Alison. She smiled as he turned his face away from her to say "Good morning."

"Good morning," she responded, kissing him on the cheek. Naked, she sat up in the bed and then reached over him to take his flannel shirt from the back of his desk chair. As she put it on and began to button it, Ben used his elbows to prop himself forward on the bed, interrupting her. He gently slipped his right hand past the opening in the shirt to cup her left breast and then used his thumb to circle her nipple. She allowed him to pleasure her until she started becoming aroused. "That's enough," she whispered, as their eyes locked on each other. She then qualified her directive, "For now."

"What should I do about this?" he asked, lifting aside his sheet and showing her his rigid manhood.  He felt like a stag in full rut.

"Save it for later."

"But the astronaut's ready for re-entry. All systems are ready to go."

"Do some hitchhiking under the sheets."

"You sure?" he wondered. "Why don't you do the hitchhiking?"

She paused and stared at him. He grinned slightly and pleaded with his eyes, his eyebrows arching toward his hairline.

"Are we continuing our discussion?" she asked artfully. Lying in bed together post-coital earlier that night, they had had a mild debate about who possessed the sexual power: the man by entering the woman or the woman by surrounding the man?

"I think we need to do some more research," he answered impishly.

Alison smiled, laid her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back on his pillow, placing her knees on either side of his ribs. She stretched her hand to a bedside table, opened the second box of condoms, extracted a foiled prophylactic, tore it open with her teeth, and began to unfurl the latex circle over Ben's engorged glans.  

They continued their research and discussed their conclusions for most of the morning.

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now