We Gather Together Chapter Thirty-Three

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Annie Drexler tucked Jason into his bed. He was fiddling with his loose bottom tooth.

"Feel it, Mommy."

She wiggled the loose tooth.

"I think that's got another day or two."

"I don't want to swallow it in my sleep. Then the tooth fairy won't come."

"Leave it alone for now. It's not quite ready. I know it's tough and your tongue keeps playing with it."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I used to lose my teeth too. Just like you, I was a little kid once, Jason. Where do you think all these big teeth I have come from? Now, just try to leave it alone. Okay?"

"Thanks, Mom."

"I'm sorry about earlier today, Jason. I know I made you angry. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

"I miss Daddy so much, Mommy. How come I love you and you love me. And Daddy loves me and I love Daddy. But then you and Daddy don't love each other."

"We do love each other."

"But not enough."

"Or maybe we love each other too much. Did you ever consider that?"

Jason looked at his mother. He became confused. Annie decided to not let him think about it too long. "Sweet dreams to someone I love more than life itself."

"I won't be able to sleep, Mommy," he said turning toward the wall and grabbing his pillow. "You say too many grown-up things. I'm just a kid."

Annie smiled to herself and then kissed Jason on the cheek. "I love you, Jason."

"I love you more, Mom."

Annie knew she was right about what she had told him. She loved Jason and Kelly more than life itself. And those same emotions extended to the child she was carrying.

Annie got up from the side of Jason's bed and turned off his bedside light. The room was dark except for a nightlight in a socket by his door.

She walked into the upstairs hallway and then looked in on Kelly. Kelly turned on her bedside light. She had been awake for a while.


"Time for your medicine, Kelly. It'll make you feel better."

Annie took a bottle of cough medicine off Kelly's dresser. She sat on the edge of Kelly's bed, poured red liquid into a teaspoon and showed it to Kelly.

"Okay, open up."

Kelly took the teaspoon from her mother and gave herself the medicine. She then licked the spoon afterward, like a lollipop.

"Tastes like cherry candy," said Kelly.

Annie handed Kelly a half-full glass of water. She drank several large gulps from it and then gave the glass back to her mother. "Mommy. . ."

"Yes, Kelly?"

"Sleep next to me for a while?" she asked.

Annie pulled aside the covers on Kelly's bed and took off her shoes. She slid next to her daughter and held her. She kissed her forehead and then turned off her bedside light. She kissed Kelly again, this time on the top of her head. She held her until Kelly fell asleep.

As Annie herself fell asleep, she wondered about Jack in his motel room and if anyone was sleeping next to him.

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now