We Gather Together Chapter One Hundred Sixteen

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Sam McCulloch surveyed the Thanksgiving table from his position at its head. The meal was over, except for Courtney scraping her plate with her fork to get the last crumbs of Julia's apple pie. Alison was pleased that everyone had enjoyed being introduced to gooey butter cake, even despite Jason's comment about it tasting a bit like pizza which got Ben and Alison laughing again, and then prompting them to explain how it had been baked at the pizzeria across the street from campus.

The dinner dishes were stacked on a kitchen counter for when the men took on the task of washing them, along with the pots and pans. As in years past, since the women had done the brunt of the cooking, the men would do the brunt of the cleanup.

Sam watched Julia at the opposite end of the table as she wiped the mouth of their latest grandchild. How had he been so lucky to have met and married her? His mother had been right when she knew that Julia would be a perfect wife and companion to him, and that their love for each other would increase with each passing year.

Sam and Julia were feeling enriched and blessed; their family was together again.

Drew, Jack and Jason had all taken off their jackets; for the first time the men in the family had broken a cardinal rule at the Thanksgiving table about "no naked shirtsleeves" being allowed. Sam was sure that there would be further adjustments in family traditions as the years went on. He was beginning to warm to them as long as the essence of the holiday's spirit wasn't compromised. He loved Thanksgiving for all that it meant and for all the hope that it offered.

He reached into the pocket of his blazer draped on the back of his chair and extracted a slip of paper which he read to himself. Being seated to Sam's right, Annie wondered what Sam was doing, so he told her that it was something that he had found in his mother's Bible.

He had originally thought that he wanted to pass it around this year and have everyone read a line from it, but with Scott and Maya showing up as they did, Sam told Annie that they could save it for next year. When Annie asked to see it, he handed it to her. She then got everyone's attention by tapping her wineglass with a fork, telling them about the poem and that it had come from the Bible of her namesake grandmother, Anne Hartman McCulloch.

"Dad was going to save this for next year, but since we're all here together now, we might as well do it now. It's called 'Giving Thanks,'" said Annie. She read the first line and then passed it to her right around the table, each one reading a line.

"'For the beauty of the generous earth.'"

"'For small successes. . .'"

"'Joy and mirth.'"

"'For large content. . .'"

"'In little wealth.'"

"'For books, for music. . .'"

"'And for health."

"'For everything Thy mercy sends. . .'"

"'But best of all. . .'"

Drew passed the slip of paper to Sam to read its last words, but he didn't need to look at it since he already knew in his heart what it said, "'For family and friends.'"

There was quiet in the room until Ben said, "Awkward silence."

"Is it time for the picture?" Scott asked.

"I was hoping that Emma would be here by now," said Julia. "I suppose we could take it now, Sam."

At that point, Jason waved his hand at Sam, "Grampy, what was the story about your Grammy Grammy you were going to tell me?"

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now