We Gather Together Chapter Four

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Sam McCulloch again paced the room which made Julia anxious. "Since you're itching to do something, you could always rake up around the front. Or peel apples for the pie."

Sam didn't really want to peel apples, so he instead took Julia up on her first suggestion. He also didn't want to have to deal with the camera again. He would make that pile of leaves for his grandchildren. They could play in it tomorrow if they wanted.

Julia watched Sam take his tweed flat cap and red-and-black checked wool jacket from a brass coat rack in the foyer. "But don't exert yourself. You know what the doctor said."

He knew well what the doctor had said. He just hadn't yet told Julia all of it.

Instead, Sam harrumphed and went out the front door. He then opened the storm door and heard it creak. Before Julia could say anything, Sam vocalized her thoughts, "I know. And I could also oil the storm door."

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now