We Gather Together Chapter Fifty-Four

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Jack Drexler unplugged his cell phone from its charger in his motel room. He watched it reload and then went outside of his motel room and pressed its screen. He called the main number of his now-former company. Michaela answered the landline phone on her desk.

"Redfield and Stanton Media."

"Michaela, it's Jack."

"I was hoping you'd call. Did you get my text?"

"I've been having a problem with my cell."

"That isn't the only problem you've been having."

"Last night never happened," Jack emphasized to her.

"I'll say."

"I was drunk."

"You couldn't rise to the occasion."

"Just as well. It shouldn't ever have happened."

"Then put on your wedding ring again and stop advertising your availability. Not that that ever stopped any man, especially one without a conscience."

Jack pulled his cell phone from his ear and gave it a nasty look. He talked into it again. "Anyone call for me?"

"Pamela Milstead wants you to call her. She said she had tried your cell but no answer."

"Thanks." Jack started to disconnect the call.

However, he still heard Michaela's voice on the other end, "So when do I get a second chance?" She went silent.

He searched his cell phone and found a number, pressing it. He put the phone to his ear and heard a woman's voice, "Hello?"

"Pamela Milstead? Jack Drexler. Returning your call."

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Edward L. WoodyardWhere stories live. Discover now