"What's wrong?" I heard a very familiar voice say, I lifted my head a bit and saw Neymar leaning on the door frame.

"I can't make it to your match, I have a photo shoot the same day. I am so sorry Ney" I said, patting the spot near me gesturing him to come here.

"Its okay," He said and sat down beside me. "Its your job, I get it, and you can come to my other matches."

He started talking after a minutes "And um I was wondering if you want to go on a da-" but a knock on the door interrupted him. We both turned and saw Bruna.

"Do you guys want to join us all downstairs?" She asked. Neymar nodded and got up, I followed. We went downstairs and I told Jasmine and Shawn about the photo shoot.

"You were saying something upstairs Ney" I said to Neymar. He shook his head. "Its okay, forget it." I was unsatisfied with his answer but nodded anyways.


"GUYS LETS GO WE ARE LATE" I yelled from the kitchen. It was 10:30am and we were supposed to be at the studio at 10:00. Thanks Jasmine for not getting up. Neymar left at 8:00 for his match. Jasmine and Shawn finally came after 10 minutes.

"Oh look you guys are just on time." I said as I held my phone with the time on it. '10:40am'


As soon as we entered the studio I started apologizing to Chole, our photographer. She accepted our apology, and wanted us to meet the other model.


My eyes widen when she yelled the name, I quickly shut my eyes tight praying it will be a different Noah, but with the luck I have when I opened my eyes I saw him.

"So this shoot is going to be in partners, Shawn and Jasmine, Noelle and Noah, then both the girls, then a group, and we will see if there is time for solo. Go to your dressing rooms, first is Noelle and Noah" Chole said. I sighed, knowing I can't do anything about this. I went into my dressing room.

There was a blond girl standing there. "Hi, I am Grace. This is kind of a romantic shoot, its going to be in black and white. So this is the dress and I will work on your make up" She said and pointed to black floral dress a few inches above my knees, with red and pink flowers. After Grace curled and did my make up I put on my dress and went back in the shooting area, seeing Noah in a Navy blue full sleeve shirt and black jeans with dress shoes.

"Okay, Noelle stand there with a big smile holding this camera and Noah wrap your amrs around her waist from the back your chin on her shoulder" Chole said. We both did as told, and my breath started picking a phase. For some reason I felt something when he touched me, like how I used to feel when we were dating. Our next pose was my back facing the camera and Noah my nose touching seeming like we were kissing. We did couple of poses like that and then it was Jasmine and Shawn's turn.

I went and put on my next outfit which was a black strapless jumpsuit with silver necklace's and silver belt. I went and sat down on the sofa and Noah sat next to me. Talk about awkward. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

"'Hey Noelle" He spoke awkwardly.

"What?" I snapped not bothering to look at him.

"I am sorry, I know I have caused you a lot of pain and done so many damn things I shouldn't have and I truly regret them, I am very sorry."

I huffed at what he said and turned to look at him before ranting, "SORRY?! Really?! Do you think a sorry is going to make up for all the pain you have caused me, those nights I cried my self to sleep, you bringing my confidence down, calling me a slut, a whore, when you were the one who cheated on me twice, and yet I thought you loved me!" I whisper yelled so no one else would hear.

"I know! And that's why I regret it! I am realizing my mistakes, and I know its going to be hard gaining your trust again, but I will."

I rolled my eyes at his response and walked away, seeing that Jasmine and Shawn were in their new outfits.

Next was Jasmine and I.

"Noelle and Jasmine, just do your normal things sit on the sofa talk, laugh, or gossip. These are going to be natural shots."

Jasmine and I just talked about normal things cracking jokes here and there.

After us was Shawn and Noah. Then we did a couple of group shots.

After 30 minutes we were all ready in our old clothes to head back. Before though, we went and drove to Starbucks and then went home.

When we came home we heard loud noises of guns shooting and yelling. We went in the living room and saw Austin and Deira playing Black Ops.

"Neymar isn't home yet? And where is Bruna?" I asked.

"Nope, and she is upstairs" Austin replied. I checked the time and it was 6:00pm. After half an hour Neymar came and he looked a bit upset. I followed him upstairs and closed the door.

"Whats wrong?"'I asked.

"We lost" He said looking down. I went up to him taking his hands in mine. "Babe, your a great player, and there are many more matches to come till the championship and I know for sure you guys will win!" I said in hopes of cheering him up.

"Lets go out for dinner, all of us." He said. I nodded, and went downstairs and told everyone, "And don't take forever to get ready" I said while going upstairs. Neymar had told Bruna.



"You see that table over there I want you put in her food and give it to that girl" I said to the waiter and handed him a bottle and pointed to a girl.

"How much are you giving me?" He asked. I got out money from my purse. "Its $50,000,  you say anything your dead"



We got a table near the window. Jasmine sat in front of Deira with Neymar, and I. But I told her to sit with Deira, so now it was Ausin, Rafaella, Bruna, and in front of them Jasmine, Deira, I and Neymar at side.

Bruna came back from the washroom and we ordered. As I was eating my food, my tummy started feeling weird, and got a pain all of a sudden. I got up and excused my self to the bathroom. As soon as I reached, I emptied out my stomach, and started coughing my lungs out. I flushed the toilet and got up, using the walls to support my weight, I felt weak. I balanced my weight on the sink and started coughing again. All this coughing was killing my head. After a minute of hardcore coughing I looked down at the sink and saw..




Broken Promises (Neymar Jr)Where stories live. Discover now