Detention/Always Nice/Class of Evil

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(Y/N): Okay Pinkie, after this episode how about we make those sweets like I promised. 

Pinkie: OKAY! Don't worry (Y/N), you can count on me, Sonata, and Lemony for that. 

Lemon Zest: That sounds like fun. 

Sonata: Yeah, count me in too! 

(Y/N): Alright episode time! 

Episode begins with Blake, Yang, and Weiss being lectured by Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck. 

Sci-Twi: Hey it's Dr. Oobleck! 

Twilight: Alright, he's going to be a new character! 

Oobleck: So in conclusion, history is good, ignorance is bad! Therefore, read a book. 

Ruby begins sneaking into class, trying not to get noticed, but Oobleck notices her anyway. 

Oobleck: Ms. Ruby Rose, so glad that you could join us! Unfortunately class is nearly over! 

(Y/N): Did Ruby oversleep or something? Besides she could get there really quickly. 

Rainbow Dash: I am not going to even fathom how Oobleck moves so fast. 

Ruby: Oh, well, you see, a- a crazy thing happened before...

Oobleck uses his speed to cut her off, looming into her personal space authoritatively.

Oobleck: Detention! One day.

(Y/N): I sense a Running Gag. 

Pinkie: So do I. 

The Next Day... 

Oobleck is once again teaching class, this time with Jaune and Nora present. 

Oobleck: So in conclusion - 

He is soon interrupted with Ruby bursting through the door, wearing a fake mustache, glasses, and a security hat. 

Ruby: (In an attempted Russian accent) Hello. I am being exchange student. Also now I am not being late, this is when we get to class in my country. 

Sunset: Oh come one, no one's that stupid to fall for something like this. Not even Oobleck. 

(Y/N): Yeah, he's too smart. 

With the usual speed, Oobleck is abruptly standing beside her.

Oobleck: Ah! Welcome to Beacon! Hold on you have a little something on your lip! 

Ruby: NO! WAIT! 

Oobleck rips Ruby's disguise right off of her face. 

Everyone just outright laughs. 

Rainbow Dash: Saw that coming from a mile away. 

Rarity: I give that disguise an F if this was a class about design. 

Ruby: Holy cats, my face! 

Oobleck: Detention! Two days. 

The Next Day... 

Once again Oobleck is teaching class. 

Oobleck: So in conclusion - 

Outside of the room, Ruby is climbing up the building. Which can be seen from the window. 

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