Yang's Workout/Magnetic Personality

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Episode opens with Ruby trying to open a pickle jar. She tries using a wrench. 

(Y/N): C'mon Ruby, you can lift Crescent Rose, but you can't open a pickle jar?

Sunset: I think that's the joke. 

Ruby continues to struggle until she uses Crescent Rose to slice is open. 

Sonata: Messy, but effective. 

Ruby uses Crescent Rose to eat a pickle slice. But it is sour. 

Ruby: Ew, dill. 

Scene transitions to Yang looking at herself in a mirror. She realizes that she is gaining weight and begins working out. She does sit ups, push ups, lift's Blake while she's reading, and runs, all to a remixed version of her song "I Burn." 

Rainbow Dash: C'mon Blondie, work it! 

Indigo Zap: No pain no gain! 

Aria: Show those Grimm you mean business. 

Yang finishes and grabs a water bottle from the fridge. 

She spots Nora eating a huge cake. Nora bloats and then goes back to her normal size. 

Twilight: HOW? 

Pinkie: It's Nora don't question it. 

(Y/N): Yep, she really is the Pinkie Pie/Lemon Zest/Sonata of this series. 

Yang gets enraged at the scene. 

Scene transitions to Pyrrha doing dishes. 

Nora: Hey Pyrrha. 

Pyrrha shrieks and a whole bunch of pans, pots, a stove, a coffee maker, and a trash can slam onto Nora. 

Everyone: HOLY CRAP, NORA! 

Pyrrha: I'm sorry! 

(Y/N): It's not your fault Pyrrha. 

Scene transitions to Nora, Ren and Jaune going on a hike. 

Nora: We're going on a HIKE! We're going on a HIKE! Today's the day! Hip-hip-HOORAY! We're going on a HIKE! WHOOO! 

You all laugh at Nora's cheer. 

(Y/N): She is too funny and adorable. 

Ren: It's been hours and we haven't made it out of Beacon. 

Jaune: Hey don't look at me, this compass must be broken. It's been leading us in circles. See now it's telling me that north is back that way. 

Pyrrha walks by and Jaune's finger begins following her. 

Ren: Uh, Jaune. 

Trixie: She will follow him to the day he dies. 

Jaune looks at the compass and realizes what's going on. 

Pyrrha: *gasp* I'm sorry! 

(Y/N): I missed you so much Pyrrha. 

Pyrrha is practicing her semblance on her spear. 

Jaune: Hey Pyrrha. 

Pyrrha freaks and her spear launches into the light above. 

Jaune: Ren found this old stack of VHS tapes. Do you want to help us sort through them, and see what's on them? 

Pyrrha: Um 

Sour Sweet: Good short, although Pyrrha still needs practice with Jaune. 

Scene transitions to Team RWBY using an elevator to head to the courtyard. 

Ruby spots a button that says "SUPER SECRET VAULT [DO NOT ENTER] 

(Y/N): I'm getting Volume 3 vibes by looking at this. 

Twilight: Why did Ozpin hide this from everyone? 

Ruby presses the button out of curiosity. The vault is shown with Old Man Shopkeep sweeping the area. He gets annoyed and Team RWBY just leaves. 

Pinkie: *whisper* Volume 3 spoilers. 

Rarity: Um, Pinkie Pie, Volume 3 came before this spinoff show. 

Pinkie: Oh that's right silly me. 

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