More Panic

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Aizawa had brought Shinsou to see Inui, the school's counseller, while Midoriya talked to Tsukauchi. Shinsou wasn't a student, but they all figured that it was better for Shibsou to talk to people with animal quirks, or just animals in general since he wasn't really good with adults.

One prime example was with Kayama. She had popped into the room before hand while Midoriya was napping, and Shinsou completely freaked out until Midoriya woke up and convinced him that she wasn't going to hurt anyone.

Luckily for them, Nezu also knew a bit about psychology, given that he had been the subject of several cruel experiments before, and Shinsou really didn't mind him that much.

The conversation with Inui and Nezu started off fine. Shinsou didn't mind Aizawa listening, and even insisted that Aizawa stayed just in case he activated his quirk by accident. He did try his best to talk, even though they were met with awkward bouts of silence as Shinsou tried to dig up the unpleasant memories, or deliberated on how he was supposed to explain things.

But after around fifteen minutes, they could all tell that Shinsou was getting anxious. He was fidgeting a lot, he kept looking around, he spoke in shorter phrases and sentences. He also started curling in on himself, and no longer looked at any of them in the eye.

At last, he mumbled, "Where... where's Izuku?" He just sounded so miserable, and Aizawa carefully pulled him in for a hug. But that seemed to set something off, and Shinsou started shaking violently. He yelped, and tried to get away from Aizawa, but the pro hero just did his best to restrain Shinsou from moving to prevent him from hurting himself.

"Where's Izu?!" He kept repeating over and over again, and continuously tried to pry himself away from Aizawa's grasp.

"Izuku's with Tsukauchi now. Do you want to see him now?" Inui asked, but Shinsou didn't seem to hear him as he kept struggling against Aizawa.

"Call Zashi." Aizawa hissed, but Nezu was already dialling Yamada's number. It rang for a few seconds, before someone picked up the phone.

"Principal! Thank goodness. Midoriya's completely flipping out here -"

Kayama was interrupted when they all heard Yamada yelling, "Izuku! Calm down! Hitoshi's with Shouta, the Principal, Hound Dog. He's perfectly safe."

"He's panicking again. I think -" She was interrupted again by a pained howl from the panicked green bean.

"Where is he?! Is he okay? I need to make sure he's okay! What if -""Izu!" Upon hearing Midoriya's voice over the phone, Shinsou's struggling had died down significantly, and he yelled over the phone. "Where are you?! I want Izu back."

"Toshi? Where are you now?! I'm gonna come find you!"

"Izuku, no!"

"Don't stop me! I need to find him!"

"No! Stop hurting him," Shinsou shrieked, "Leave him alone!"

"I'm not hurting him! Izuku calm down!" Yamada protested.


But Shinsou was starting to freak out again, and Aizawa was trying to do his best to calm him down.

"Stop it stop it stop it!" Shinsou screeched. Aizawa immediately recognised that Shinsou was starting to phase out, and he gently shook him to snap him out of it.

"LEAVE TOSHI ALONE!" Midoriya shrieked over the phone.

"He's gonna hurt himself. Should I knock him out?" Kayama asked.

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