Tracker In

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It was dark.

That was all he knew at that time. His head was hazy, and the shadows were twisting, turning, churning, as he tried to look around and recall what happened.

Midoriya had saved him and Shinsou from Muscular.

They found more students, and he was grabbed by someone.

He was passed to another person, then another.

He saw Midoriya get beat up again.

Then it all turned to black.

He curled up in a ball, just noticing the chains around his wrists, clicking together ominously as he moved.

There was a grunt next to him, and Kota flinched, turning his head hastily to identify the sound.

He saw Midoriya's emerald green eyes gazing up at him, dazed.

"Ko... Kota?"

Kota let out a small whimper. He shouldn't be scared. He shouldn't. They beat Muscular, he got crushed by a landslide and fell down a cliff.

So why was he so scared?

"Hey..... Kota." He didn't even notice that Midoriya had sat up, and saw the visible wince on his face, before he pulled him in for a hug. His head bumped against something metallic, and he looked up, eyeing the heavy metal collar around Midoriya's neck cautiously.

"Careful." Midoriya hissed, as Kota accidentally pressed against him too hard. "My ribs are busted - ow..... Shoot... sorry... I'm fine, Kota."

He knew Midoriya won the Sports Festival. He knew he took down Akaguro.

Was this why they seemed so eager, so desperate to catch him?

He was distracted from his thoughts when the door to their cell opened, and the lizard guy came in.

Midoriya hissed at him, protectively wrapping his arms around Kota's trembling form, even though he knew he wasn't making his broken ribs any better.

He tugged on Midoriya's chains gently, "They're coming to check on you soon. I'm supposed to sedate you, but you seem pretty banged up and shackled properly. No need for it."

Midoriya wasn't sure if this guy, Spinner, was it? was trying to help or not. Or trying to trick him. He'll figure that out later. But for now, he was not the threat.

Soon footsteps echoed down the hallway, and Kota huddled even closer to Midoriya, afraid. Midoriya put his arms around Kota, shifted into a kneeling position, and snarled when Shigaraki and an unknown man walked up behind him.

"You!" Midoriya hissed, before he coughed, and Shigaraki merely sneered, "We finally got you in our grasp. Tell me, kid, what do you think we're gonna do to you?"

"I don't ..... know, steal..... steal my ..... quirk?" Midoriya tried to snap, but his coughing fits which resulted in the expulsion of blood was not helping, "P-piss off...... shithead."

"My my, a rude one, no. You mentioned this was the one that escaped?" The man with a mask asked.

"Yup. Akatani. We bugged Stain as he left and we managed to catch that bit about him. It got smashed when they started fighting, though." A purple haired man replied.

Midoriya eyed the man warily.

Purple hair. Purple eyes. Exactly how Shinsou described him.

"You! You ..... were the one that..... kidnapped -" Midoriya received a kick in the face, and his breath hitched. His back hit the wall, and he let out a quiet hiss in pain, glaring venomously at the man. If his ribs weren't broken before, he was damn well sure that they were broken now...

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