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Monoma, Bakugou, and Shinsou had literally been locked outside the infirmary as Shuzenji worked. Shinsou had ended up crying himself to sleep, sobbing into Monoma's shirt, but Bakugou and Monoma weren't much better off. They were sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall. Shinsou was pressed between Monoma's knees and his chest, as the older boy hugged the smaller boy, trying to comfort Shinsou while trying to calm his own beating heart. Bakugou had dozed off, when Aizawa ran into the hallway, having been filled in by Kayama when he was halfway to the school gates.

"WHERE IS MY KID?!" Aizawa screamed, as he almost ripped the door off its hinges as he barged into the infirmary. "Who are you!?" He glared at the red haired woman that had her hand on Midoriya's shoulder and on Shuzenji's arm, and was about to attack her when Yamada ran in, grabbed Aizawa, and tried to lug him out of the infirmary to let the two women treat Midoriya in peace, "Hold up! Shou!"

"Sorry Recovery Girl!" He yelled.

The red haired woman was an old friend of Shuzenji's , someone who used to work with her, to aid her as she tried to heal Midoriya. Her quirk allowed her to assess the physical bodies of people or objects through contact, making her perfect for reconnaissance and information gathering. She was no doctor, but if she was in contact with someone else, she could relay the information to them.

Shuzenji thought he was already in a bad condition. She was horrified when her old colleague showed her the true extent of his injuries.

His torso, chest, legs, arms, and even his neck were covered in injuries. Stab wounds, lacerations, and some parts were very badly disintegrated. His stomach lining was a mess, corroded, while his throat and mouth looked like someone had dumped acid on them. His bones were cracked. Like someone had shattered them, and super glued them back together to form a human skeleton. His heartbeat was weak, his breath shallow, and she feared that if they had gotten him any later, he would have died.


His broken arm was the least of their problems at the moment.

She couldn't use her quirk to treat him, he had already been pushed past the limit, and had no energy left to spare. She could only hope that he could make it until morning, when she could call in another friend for their healing quirk. She was working in another hospital now, and wouldn't be off his shift for an hour or two.

They were lucky that Midoriya was a fighter. His heart had given out two times during the night, and Shuzenji's other friend had managed to get to UA in time for her to heal Midoriya sufficiently enough for him to be out of the danger zone.

She still kept a close eye on him. His vitals were out of the danger zone, yes, but it was nowhere near safe. But it gave her a short amount of time to check on the other two patients to ensure they had nothing similarly devastating.

Kota had collapsed from exhaustion, mostly. Malnutrition and dehydration as well, but it was only for three days so it wasn't too severe. Shuzenji mused that he should wake up in a few hours, at the maximum, a day.

Shiretoko was mostly fine as well. She seemed mentally stunned, but given a few days, she would recover. She didn't get any injuries, surprisingly, but Chatora mentioned something about All for One saying that he took her quirk, and Shuzenji sighed.

While checking on him, Shuzenji had found a piece of paper in his pocket. She opened it up, finding a few words like "Heartburn", "Avian" and "Modify" written on it, and she tucked it into her pocket.

Shiretoko was a good hero. Her quirk, Search, was essential for the Wild Wild Pussycats, allowing them to find victims and assess their injuries so they could figure out the best way to save everyone.

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