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Midoriya was very, very conflicted.

The message literally confused him. The letter was addressed to Akatani. But he, as Midoriya, wasn't allowed to look, or Shinsou may get hurt.

But he was Midoriya, and he was Akatani.

The letter was basically telling him to look but he couldn't look.

Midoriya had no idea what to do.

But just in case, he changed into his vigilante outfit. There probably weren't any cameras or anyone spying on him, or they would have realised a lot sooner about his vigilante identity, but just in case, he shut all the windows, drew all the curtains, switched off the lights, hid in the cupboard, and changed into his hoodie and donned his mask, before he flipped the light switch on, looked around once more, locked all the doors, grabbed his flashlight, and hid under the covers, before ripping open the letter.

He was paranoid, dammit.

A set of co-ordinates, and a message.

"We want to talk. You don't want the missing purple brat, or the other green brat to be hurt, you follow our instructions. We know your working with the heroes on this case. You cannot talk to them about this letter. You talk to no one. You meet us here at midnight."

Midoriya scowled, as he searched up the co-ordinates. It would take him an hour or so to get there, and it was dinner time.

He stretched out on the bed. He was slightly tired from the Sports Festival, and he was going to need all the strength he could get on this lead.

He set his alarm, before trying to sleep.

He didn't end up getting any. His mind was plagued with horrible scenarios, ones that left Shinsou dead.

What did they want? Why did they want him? What did they do with Shinsou?

Midoriya was scared. He was scared he'll find Shinsou beaten beyond recognition. He was scared they would have forced his little brother to do horrible things against his will that would end up breaking him. He was scared he, as Akatani, woulf be used against his only remaining family.

He just tried to sooth himself while nursing a steaming hot cup of coffee.

He couldn't let his emotions cloud his judgement.

He needed to get his baby brother back.


Midoriya crouched on the rooftop, eyeing the alleyway where he was supposed to meet up with the villains.

There was no one to be found.

He checked his phone.

Five minutes to midnight. Maybe he was just early.

He jumped down, and watched from behind a corner.

He waited.

A man with purple hair walked out of nowhere.

"You must be Akatani, no?"

"Yeah. And you are?"

"My name is of no concern. You want Shinsou Hitoshi, don't you?"

"Of course." Midoriya growled, "What have you done with him?"

"Nothing too bad," He reassured, "We just want your co-operation."

"That depends if I can get Shinsou or not."

"Too bad." The man snapped his fingers, the harsh sound echoing in the empty deserted alleyway.

Like a curtain was pulled back, a multitude of figures appeared, and Midoriya scowled. An ambush. Of course.

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