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The entire weekend went without a hitch, and Aizawa was back in UA on Monday to finish up some paper work.

Shinsou and Midoriya were left in the staffroom, since all the other teachers wanted to go through what Midoriya missed, but it was apparent that Midoriya was ahead. He went through another test set by Ectoplasm with no problems, had a very long tirade about the other literature book Ishiyama had gone through in class, not to mention that Kayama felt he was perfectly fine in mordern hero art history from their debate in the previous lesson.

All that was left was the heroics lessons, something that Aizawa himself was going to deal with.

Nezu had ended up sending Midoriya to the Support Course, to see if he wanted to work with them on his support gear, and Midoriya had already dashed off, Shinsou hot on his heels.

"Does anyone want to explain the matching hoodies?" Snipe asked. "I don't think Midnight or Mic would choose matching clothes for them."

"Self made Eraser Head merch." Yamada grinned, "Made him so flustered on Saturday. You should have seen his face."

"Shut up." Aizawa groaned, shoving Yamada lightly to the side as the Voice Hero laughed.


Lunch time came rolling by, and Maijima had called Aizawa to come save him. Aizawa just sighed, pocketed his phone, before making his way to the supoort department.

"What did Problem Child do now?" He groaned, taking Shinsou from the other hero's grasp as he laughed at the chaos.

"That." Maijima pointed at where Midoriya and Hatsume were standing, yelking as they tinkered with some of the things Aizawa recognised as from Midoriya's room.

"I think I may want to be a hero! So I can show off all my babies and promote Hatsume Industries!"

"Yeah! And make something to enhance your zoom quirk! You can be an underground hero!"

"But an underground hero doesn't get enough attention for me to - pass the wrench - advertise them!"

"Plus you can test drive your own inventions on the spot!"

"She wants to be a hero now?" Aizaw asked in disbelief. Hatsume, the girl who literally strapped support items on Tensei's little brother and used him as an advertisement before disqualifying herself?

"Yes. She's a good student, but she has way too much energy to spare. And she blows everything up. She has the potential to be an awesome support item developer, and I honestly think being a hero, and knowing the limits and other problems they face first hand can help her tremendously." Maijima sighed.

"She does have potential. As long as she doesn't disqualify herself again." Aizawa sighed.

Why was he doing this?

"Nezu agrees that if she wasn't so hung up on being an inventor, she would make a great hero, and now she thinks like this..."

"I'll think about it."

He walked over to Midoriya, ignoring the blowtorch in his hands, before he picked him up by the collar and dragged him out of the room.

"Alright, here's the plan. Monday to Wednesday, your are with the support class, you fix your gear. You were supposed to finish up all the lesson stuff you missed but you're fine according to the other teachers so that's that. On Thursday we're going to Hosu to meet up with Ingenium and Iida. Mic's coming with us as well for some radio show, and while I don't think you need to go through the Heroics course to pick up what you missed, I'm gonna spend Friday catching you up. Then we come back here. Got it?!"

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