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Shinsou yawned, and the cool air hit the inside of his mouth. He was pressed up against something warm, and he snuggled up to it. He groggily opened his eyes, coming face to face with with a bandaged chest. His eyes travelled upwards, towards Midoriya's serene, sleeping face, before he let out what sounded like a purr and nuzzled his older brother.

In turn, while he was asleep, Midoriya unconsciously wrapped his arms tighter around his brother, pulling him in closer, but not enough to hurt him.

He didn't remember sleeping with a blanket though.

Aizawa watched the interaction from his spot on the floor, grading worksheets. He had messaged Yamada to bring his stuff, after they managed to clear out the entire commotion in the cafeteria.

They were lucky the press wasn't alerted of Midoriya's situation at UA, or another USJ incident may take place. In turn, Hawks, Nishiya, Hakamata, and Takeyama had called UA at least two times each to ask about the vigilante, and each time, Nezu had to tell them that it was all under control, and that Midoriya was recovering, without revealing his name. All of them were insistent on meeting the child that had scared the hell out of all the villains, and Nezu had no choice but to agree that they could come, under Midoriya's terms. It was all Nezu could do, unless he wanted to offend three of the top ten heroes.

Enji had, luckily, not called. Knowing him, he probably was embarrassed when they opened the gates later, with Yagi in his All Might form to berate him for using his fire on the young vigilante in a school and scaring him, if he managed to get it. They managed to come to a very strained agreement to drop it, and Enji had promptly left, seething the entire time.

Todoroki's face was absolute gold, according to Kayama.

It was a Tuesday afternoon. The Sports Festival was on Thursday. Midoriya went missing on Friday. They escaped on Monday.

Aizawa had no idea how Midoriya managed to pull off miracle after miracle. Winning the Sports Festival, helping Todoroki use his fire, finding Shinsou, managing to free themselves, somehow getting away from Enji and into UA just in time for the UA barrier to protect him from the blazing fire user, surviving the entire ordeal.

He was sure it was because of his sheer will and determination, his inability to give up on anything or anyone. He kept pushing forward, not letting anyone drag him down, in fact, he ends up dragging people with him, like with Todoroki.

But Aizawa knew that Midoriya was also lucky. They were lucky that the villains weren't so bright, at least, not as bright as that villain that Yagi seemed to be after. They underestimated Shinsou's trust in Midoriya, Midoriya's own ingenuity, his ability to think on the spot and come up with solutions, his unshakable willpower and determination.

Luck would always run out.

Aizawa didn't want to risk it. He needed to train Midoriya properly, to make sure that he was ready for whatever the world threw at him. He needed to ensure that he could take care of himself.

He didn't mean knowing how to fight. Being Akatani was one thing, and Midoriya's ferocity and unpredictability was enough at this point in time.

No. Midoriya needed to know, to learn how to unwind, to understand just how important it was to relax. Ever since he had met him, Midoriya had been a tightly wound spring, a rubber band stretched to it's maximum. His breakdown in school was when that rubber band snapped, when the spring that was being wound tighter and tighter, coiled up more and more suddenly broke from all the pressure forced on it.

Midoriya had been forced to mature too soon, taking on the roles of a parent and guardian while having his own duties as a student. Aizawa only knew that Midoriya had been taking care of himself and Shinsou, but surely, surely he had parents that at least looked out for him?

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