Tracker Out

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A/N A bit of self promo, check out my Youtube Channel! The latest video I uploaded is right up there ^^ 

Now, back to the fic XD

Nineteen students, two children, six pro heroes.

Six students avoided the entire fiasco.

Twenty two students exposed to the knockout gas, seven students knocked out by it.

Most of the students had made it out of this nightmare, with mostly minor injuries. The worst one was Yaoyorozu, with a minor concussion.

All except for one.

Midoriya Izuku, kidnapped by the League of villains.

And one Izumi Kota, taken as well.

Shiretoko had also gone missing, presumably taken by the League as well.

UA's reputation, surprisingly, hadn't been hit. Due to the well resolved USJ incident with the very same group of villains, they believed that they had noticed the buses leaving UA on their lengthy journey to the home of the Wild Wild Pussycats, and as such, left it as that.

To them, UA was still the safest place on earth. Everyone believed that if this had taken place in UA, it would have turned out differently. Even though some of them were still sceptical, there wasn't much they could do anyways.

And Midoriya Izuku's parents weren't complaining, so everything must be fine, right?


Ishiyama had promptly started building the dorms when UA got the alert. Kayama, Snipe, and Ectoplasm immediately helped with the furniture, trying to do anything they could to get their minds off this grave situation.

Midoriya was gone. Shiretoko and Kota as well.

They knew, all the teachers knew that Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou were the three primary targets. Kurogiri had literally said so. They were probably targets because of the Sports Festival. Tetsutetsu had mentioned that during his interrogation, when he fought Mustard.

And that was because they were all powerful in their own right. Bakugou had raw strength and excellent battle instincts. Todoroki kept his cool, and his quirk was unique and powerful, even if the user couldn't use it properly. Midoriya was a battle strategist, a quirk analysis, being able to see the weaknesses in fighting styles and exploit them, and was also good with weaponry.

But Aizawa and Yagi knew that it didn't just stop there. The League of Villains was associated with All for One. A man that stole quirks.

Something that Midoriya didn't have.

If they found out he was quirkless, what would they do? Kill him? Hold him ransom? Try to make him join them?

And what of Kota and Shiretoko? Would they be killed too? Used as leverage against them?


Out of all the kids that made it out so far, Shinsou was in the worst condition. He was lucky his case of hypothermia was minor, and had gone away in a day.

But he was absolutely devastated.

He just curled up in a ball, under the blankets, and never said a word, his eyes hollow, absent of the signature light and excitement. He only ever reacted to Aizawa, Yamada, Bakugou and Monoma, but even then, it was just clinging to them as he continued to suffer in silence, drowning in his pain and misery, never saying a single word.

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