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Shinsou could only stare in horror from Iida's arms at the Nomu that had Midoriya caught in its talons, before he managed to process what was going on.

"Izu!" He screeched, and it took all of Iida's energy to hold him with his uninjured hand to prevent him from running off.

"For gods sake! Put me down!" Midoriya yelled, clenching his fist and activating the bracer on his arm. A long, sharpened blade expanded out of the side of the bracer, slicing through the Nomu's talons.

It howled in pain, loosening its grip on Midoriya, allowing him to free his other arm and activate the other bracer, and with a harsh swing, it sliced through the Nomu's flesh like butter, hitting the bone.

The Nomu released Midoriya, and he quickly retracted his blades, and flipped himself midair so he would fall on all fours .

"Izu! Watch out!" He heard Shinsou shriek.

He did not noticed the Nomu looping back, charging at him with its other talon outstretched.

Aizawa immediately leapt forward, activating his quirk, and the Nomu crashed into the ground, skidding from its momentum, screeching like a banshee.

Midoriya landed, and stood up, confused, before he noticed Aizawa.

"You okay, Izuku?" He asked, getting a "Yep!" in return.

The Nomu screeched, trashing about wildly, its talons slashing as it tried to get up, and Tensei and Yamada pulled everyone away before they could get claws sunk into them.

Akaguro grumbled as he got the Nomu's blood on his face, and hissed as a talon nicked his arm, cutting into the cable tie.

Lucky him. And the idiotic heroes had all the weapons tied up in a pile not to far from him.

He broke free from his bindings, and rushed forward, snagging a katana and two knives, and licked the blood off his face.

The Nomu gave a pained screech, before laying still on the ground, still hissing and screeching. Akaguro immediately leapt on it, and gave it a nasty slash, right through its chest.

"He got out!" Iida yelled, and everyone froze as Enji emerged from behind him, "Why are you all in a group!? The villain would have escaped.. Things got a little rough... but isn't that Stain?"

Akaguro turned around from on top of the Nomu's corpse, and hissed,"You fake!"

He let his aura flare out.

The moon was red. It sat ominously behind the Hero Killer, each step he took made everyone want to step back in fear. He didn't need his quirk, his force of will was strong enough to do that.

"I must make things right. Someone must be dyed in blood. I must take back what it means to be a hero. Come and try to get me, you fakes!"

"Hell no!" Midoriya hissed, lunging forward before Akaguro could get any closer to Enji, "My friend works under him. He's not the best hero, heck I have no idea how he's number two, but you can't kill him!"

Everyone collapsed, gasping from the release in pressure.

"He... wasn't affected?"

Akaguro jumped backwards, avoiding the slash from Midoriya's knife, and lunged forward, twisting under another slash and made his own attack, that Midoriya barely dodged.

He didn't expect a blade to fly past him, cutting his cheek. He looked at Midoriya, who was aiming his arm bracer at him, and he saw another blade emerge from the slightly opened up compartment, like it was reloading.

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