The Heart Is

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Aizawa snapped to attention when he heard a knock on the door.

Midoriya's eyes shot open, and he burst into white and red flames, glaring at the door and hissed as he shielded Shinsou and Kota with his arms, who were curled against each other, asleep.

"Who... is it?" Yamada blearily asked, as he stumbled to the door while half awake. He looked through the peephole, before he unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Tsukauchi.

"I forgot." Aizawa grumbled, scratching Midoriya's head, as the teen relaxed slightly and curled around Shinsou and Kota like a cat.

"Hey. I hope this isn't a bad time." Tsukauchi looked at Midoriya, who was looking at him wearily, and looked like he was about to doze off again, flames turning a gentle shade of light green.

Tsukauchi eyed the snow white streak of hair in Midoriya's hair with distaste. He did have some speculations about what the League had done to the teenager, but to actually see a bit of his hair turn white from captivity left a bad taste in his mouth.

"I told you to come at this time." Aizawa sighed, getting off the sofa. Midoriya let out a small whine, and Tsukauchi chuckled.

"Hi Tsukki." Midoriya greeted, as Tsukauchi replied, "Feeling better?"


Midoriya sat up carefully, before he stood up, and stretched, as Aizawa exitted the kitchen with a cup of coffee. Midoriya plopped himself down on the floor, and asked, "So.. are you gonna interrogate us?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to stress you out or anything. Anything you don't feel like sharing, you don't have to, okay?"

Midoriya nodded, as Yamada got off his phone, and asked, "So you got the report from Nezu?"

"Yeah. I got most of it."

"So... uh... Midoriya, did they do anything to you?"

Midoriya frowned, "All for One gave me two quirks? And merged them into one? I'm not really sure... that's what I was told. Uh.... they chained me up and liked to hit me with stuff."

"Alright... how about your throat? Recovery Girl said it was horrible."

"I don't really remember." Midoriya admitted, "Shigaraki.... He shoved a bottle into my mouth and forced me to drink it, but I had no idea what it was. It was painful."

He grimaced, "Pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be edible though. If Dabi and Spinner hadn't saved me ..."

"Dabi? Spinner is Iguchi Shuichi... Is Dabi the one with black hair and scars?" Tsukauchi confirmed.

"Yeah." Midoriya nodded, before he froze up and shook his head.

"Sensei!" He screeched, waking the two two kids up. Shinsou and Kota startled awake, as Midoriya leapt onto the sofa and pulled them to his chest.

"Yeah, Izuku?" Aizawa asked, seeing Midoriya starting to panic.

"Please... Use your quirk on Tsukki." Midoriya asked imploringly, as his flames started turning white.

Aizawa didn't know what had gotten into Midoriya, but he still complied, and Midoriya heaved a sigh of relief when nothing happened, before he curled up and covered his eyes.

Tsukauchi cocked his head in confusion.

"Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine..." Midoriya sounded so tired, and Shinsou pat his head gently. "I'm sorry... I just..." He gulped. "They... Toga..."

He clenched his fist, and sighed, shaking, "Sorry. I.. I can't..."

Kota also looked visibly shaken when he mentioned that name, and shook his head, trying to shake the horrible memory out of his brain.

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