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Class 1-A was very confused to see Kan sitting at the teacher's table.

"Um... Sensei... are you... perhaps in the wrong room?" Iida asked.

"No. I'll explain later. Go take your seats first."


1-B were sitting in their seats, waiting for Kan to arrive.

They did not expect Aizawa to walk in at the very last second.


"Nezu said we're swapping homeroom lesson teachers this week. Because the two classes seemed to have mingled well, he thought it would be better to swap teachers as well so we generally know everyone's quirks, fancies, that stuff." Aizawa grumbled.


"That... makes sense..." Yaoyorozu muttered.

"I have a feeling this is not gonna last long." Midoriya muttered, as Kan and Shinsou stared at each other awkwardly, not really knowing how to interact.

"Can we all... just tone it down for the week so we don't scare Vlad King Sensei off?" Iida asked.

Kirishima and Kaminari looked over at him, and grinned, "Nope."


"Ok, this is getting ridiculous." Tokage gasped, "Aizawa sensei is so scary! We too scared to make any noise whenever he falls asleep in class."

"Yeah! I think we made Vlad King Sensei take a few pills of aspirin when he left yesterday!" Hagakure replied.

"We never know what to do with Aizawa Sensei. His instructions are so vague!"

"I want Zawa!"

"We all want Aizawa back. We're lucky it's Wednesday already." Midoriya sighed, "Vlad King Sensei is nice, don't get me wrong... it's just weird."

"No offence taken. Take him back." Monoma groaned, "We all want Vlad King Sensei back too. Aizawa sensei is too... eccentric."

"Vlad King Sensei has no idea what to do with all of us."

"You know on the first day, he gave us all handouts of rules!? Why was there a rule saying "No playing trumpets in class." Or "Don't try to sneak up on Midoriya, especially when he has support gear." or "Make sure that Shinsou is not in the room before switching off the lights." or "Don't throw things at Bakugou." or "No giving Tokoyami bird seed."?"

"Kaminari tried to give Tokoyami sunflower seeds, and Dark Shadow threw him out the window in indignation!" Uraraka grinned. "And Deku nearly kicked Sero's face off when he snuck up on him!"

"He broke my nose!" Sero whined.

"I said I'm sorry!"


Meanwhile, Kan and Aizawa were also having a similar conversation.

"I applaud you, Aizawa, for staying sane for so long." Kan groaned, rubbing his head, "Bakugou tried to blow up Kirishima five times FIVE TIMES. IN TEN MINUTES!"

"Something is wrong with your class. They're too quiet." Aizawa grumbled, "It's too unnerving to sleep."

"What do you mean too unnerving!?"

"They're so quiet it's like they're dead!"

"Well your class is a fricking riot! You have no right to say anything about my class! Kaminari shorted out twice, Todoroki roasted or froze Bakugou ten times, Midoriya has smacked people fifteen times for swearing, Tokoyami keeps repeating "Revelry in the dark", and Shoji is picking up random people like kittens! Six of them at a time!"

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