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The alarms blared, and all the students looked up from the television to look out the window.

"Should we... stay inside?" Kirishima hesitantly asked. Most of the students were awake, save for Hagakure, Kaibara, Tsuburaba and Honenuki. Shiozaki and the others had already woken up, and while they were still suffering some of the negative side effects like nausea and bouts of dizziness, they were mostly okay.

"Oh no. Please, come right out. I want you to see this." An unfamiliar voice blared through the loudspeakers, "Failure to do so will result in one child called Kota to be no more. I do expect to see thirty-five students, one toddler, and three pro heroes stationed here."

He knew. This person, this villain putting Kota's life on the line, he knew. He knew how many were still unconscious from Mustard's gas, and how many teachers were here.

Snipe, Kayama, and Ectoplasm shared a look, before they nodded, and kept an eye on the hero course students as they trudged out, onto the fields.

The field was dark, but Ectoplasm pressed a button on his phone, and suddenly, the entire area was flooded with light, brightening up the entire area.

"My my, we're in the spotlight now." A man with purple hair, much like Shinsou, was seen, standing there, all alone. Bakugou was carrying Shinsou in his arms, the alarms having shaken the younger out of his near dissociative state, and he just stared at the man in horror.

"Who are you? And who are you associated with?" Ectoplasm asked, but the man just turned to Shinsou, ignoring the pro hero completely.

"Hello, Hitoshi. Happy to see me?"

Shinsou froze, and Bakugou could feel him tensing up. He tightened his grip on the child, and snarled at the man, "Who are you?"

"Greetings. I suppose I should introduce myself, as I see that I am trespassing. My name is Shinsou Kugutsu. I should like to reacquire what is mine, but sadly, I have other priorities right now."

He raised his hand, and swung it downwards, and a loud screech was heard as a black figure descended from the sky.


"We're terribly sorry for everything that has happened. If not for the initiatives taken by the students, I'm afraid that this would have turned out even worse."

Midoriya wasn't even listening to what was being broadcasted by his teacher and surrogate father, as he sat in the corner of the bar, chained to the wall. His heart was still pounding, his muscles felt like they were filled with lead and his head hurt.

Kota was wrapped in his arms, trying to ignore the pool of blood that was steadily growing from one of Bubaigawara and Toga's more elaborate "pranks".

The rest of the League had kept their eyes glued to the television, laughing and joking amongst themselves at their victory.

"Hello? Pizza Delivery, Kamino store!"

The wall behind Iguchi suddenly exploded, and Yagi burst into the room. The door was flung open, the wood from Nishiya's arms growing and expanding as they spread out, wrapping each villain up in the plant-based hero's tendrils.

Dabi's signature blue flames started showing, but Sorahiko leapt in, jumping off walls and crashed into the Cremation user, knocking him into a daze.

"During the press conference? Already?!" Sako yelped.

"When one goes on the offensive, they lack defence the most." Kamihara muttered, opening the door to reveal a squad of police men.

Nishiya looked around, to ensure that he had caught all the villains, until he laid his eyes on the wounded figure in the corner of the room.

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