Entrance Exams

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Midoriya grabbed a piece of bread, and ran to school, tapping furiously on his phone as he dodged all the pedestrians in his way.

He had a plan. He had a list of locations to hit.

But he didn't know which order, or how to infiltrate them.

Tapping furiously, as he turned, he thought.

What do I need to bring? Do I need to hack it? Should I beat em up, or should I just get information?

He dashed into his classroom, dumping his bag on the ground, before yanking a notebook out of his bag and began scribbling furiously.

What other equipment should I bring? Do I need to make anything else?

It wasn't before long before everyone started streaming into the classroom, and they avoided Midoriya, who gave off an aura of absolute chaos. He was a mess, for sure. Shinsou's kidnapping was driving him nuts.

"Hey. Deku." The teacher called. No one called him by his name anymore, just Deku. Midoriya didn't care, honestly. Everyone called him Deku anyway, the teachers calling him that didn't change anything.

Midoriya didn't listen as he kept mumbling under his breath and scribbled.

"Oi." Bakugou turned around, whacking Midoriya's hand, "Teacher's calling you."

"Don't bother me! X is ten, four, or five over two!" Midoriya looked up, glanced at the question, quickly did a mental calculation, and yelled.

The teacher gulped. Midorya never yelled. And he was scary. He wasn't going to call on the green haired boy, ever, again. At least he seemed to know what he was doing.....


Aizawa was sure Midoriya's mental state was deteriorating. Either that or he was going crazy.

Each time Midoriya burst into the police station asking for information, Aizawa noticed his hair getting even more wild and messy. His eye bags were getting worse. He saw a bottle of coffee in his bag pocket. He slouched a lot.

He was originally worried that Shinsou's disappearance would take a hit on Midoriya's education. He knew Midoriya wanted to be a hero, he had heard the boy say that once when he went to Aldera to check on his studies subtly. To his surprise, Midoriya was getting full marks in everything. So now, Aizawa was very sure that while Midoriya was set for his exams, his physical state was another problem all together.

There was once that Midoriya had fallen asleep in the police station, waiting for someone to get back to the counter. Both Aizawa and Tsukauchi had found him, woke him up, and asked him why the heck he was sleeping there.

"I.. don't know..."

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Uh.... Friday?"

"So.... the twenty second?"

"No... uh... Fifteenth, I think."

Aizawa was seriously worried. The last time he slept was two weeks ago? And was all he drinking just coffee and energy drinks? He didn't even seem to eat anything in school, scribbling in that notebook of his all the time, if what all the students were saying was correct. What was he even eating? Why wasn't he resting? How was he still running about all over the place? Why hasn't he passed out in the middle of the road?

And to make things even complicated, Akatani seemed to be having the same problems at Midoriya. He was now gaining a lot of attention for his exploits, taking out villains with a hidden, murderous rage that left villains alive, but traumatised. He had no idea how many times the villains he beat begged the police to lock them up for their crimes and promising about a thousand times after an encounter with the vigilante. How he managed to do that, Aizawa had no idea. His spelling over the texts had deteriorated. Akatani was usually polite, snarky and sassy sometimes, but he never really raised his voice. Now, he sometimes yelled at Aizawa when he tried to pry too much. He also tripped and almost fell off a building once, if Aizawa hadn't grabbed him with his capture weapon in time.

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