Got a problem?

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"Just eat something, fuck face!" Bakugou growled as he literally dragged Midoroya by the collar into the cafeteria and dumped him on a chair. He threw a packet of bread in his face, and Kaminari slid over a cup of tea.

Midoriya was still scribbling away in his notebook, trying to draw as many connections between the villains as possible. He tore the bread wrapper open with his teeth and ate it, before literally pouring the tea down his throat without even batting an eye, his pen still making markings on the paper.

"Kaminari, pass the salt." Jiro called.

"Eh? I took the sugar!" Kaminari replied, confused.

"Look again..." Uraraka blinked, and Kaminari's eyes trailed to the shaker in his grasp.

The pepper shaker, to be precise.

"Deku?! Why the heck did you not say anything?!" Bakugou screeched. He was very, very pissed off. He had questioned his own mom about Inko, and Mitsuki had very honestly stated that Inko broke off all contact with her since Midoriya turned six. She hadn't talked to her, or anyone for that matter. The fact that Midoriya had to take caee of himself did not sit well with Bakugou at all.

"Tch. I'm wondering how someone like you got into UA." A voice rang out from behind Midoriya. He didn't react to it, until his notebook was literally snatched out from under his hand.

Midoriya turned around, coming face to face with a bulky third year.

"Oh. You. Satsuki Akiho, older brother of the twins Satsuki Amira and Satsuki Akara. You went to Higasaki Junior High, now you're in Class 3-D, took piano lessons every Wednesday and Sunday. Blood type AB, you're a 190 cm tall, and 65.6 kilograms."

Satsuki, or so Midoroya called him, was just staring at the boy. In shock or in fear, no one knew.

"You enjoy playing computer games, and you dated a girl called Misato Alena for a month, then broke up with her, and now you're dating Nari Hitume, who's in Class 3-C."

"Are you some kind of stalker?" Satsuki just looked sick.

"No. There's just a lot of stuff that I know." Midoriya shrugged, taking his notebook back from the grasp of the taller boy who's grip had slackened.

"Look, here." Satsuki grabbed Midoriya's collar. "My siblings have been saying that the little purple freak of yours has been making fun of them -"

"Let me go. This. Instant." Midoriya growled.

Everyone flinched as that wave of pressure rolled over them, smashing into them with the force of a hurricane.

Midoriya unlatched the fingers from around his collar, and Satsuki fell to the ground.

"Just so you know, the person you're talking about hasn't been to school in nine months. Unless you want me to go there and terrorise all the kids there for telling lies and generally being disappointments to human society, I suggest you refrain from calling anyone a freak."

Midoriya grinned and barred his teeth.

"I can do so much worse to you."

Bakugou couldn't help but stare at Midoroya's sharp canines, that seemed to be glinting with bloodlust.

"Got it? Good." Midoriya reeled his aura back in and collected his things. "Have a nice day, sir."

"You... really are a demon."

Midoriya paused.

"Call me whatever you like. I didn't care three years ago when that nickname popped up, I still don't care. I stopped caring a long time ago."

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