Problem Children

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Midoriya hated it.

He hated that his sense of sight, sense of smell, sense of hearing, those three major senses were working against him. He was lucky his sense of touch was still working right, or he was as good as crippled, but it was completely disorientating when things were clear, then blurry, suddenly loud, then soft, smelling something sweet and it immediately being replaced with something pungent.

He was fairly sure it was the work of a villain and their quirk.

He could sense the people starting to crowd around, and in a panic, he let out a small burst of his aura, just to keep them at bay.

They were just going to crowd him, overwhelm him with numbers. This was no longer a hallway where the enemy could only attack from the front and back. He was in an open space, where they could converge around him.

And take Shinsou away, once more condemning the poor child to his fate again for his quirk and taking him away once again.

Midoriya would not let that happen.

It was too crowded, too many people, too suffocating.

Midoriya backed away cautiously, before his back hit something and he whirled around in a panic.


Kayama was not expecting this.

She didn't have any lessons for the rest of the day, and Nezu had gotten an alert from Nishiya that Akatani had raced off with Endeavor hot on his trail. She was about to leave the school after she finished marking a stack of essays, when someone raced past the gates of UA and triggered the UA Barrier.

She immediately raced out, carefully pushing past students who had been released early to figure out what was going on.

She was not expecting to see the vigilante who had broken out, carrying Shinsou, standing right at their gates.

"Nezu, you might want to alert Aizawa and Yamada.... Akatani's the one who triggered our alarm."

"Got it. Try to handle it. Endeavor should be outside the school so I'm not deactivating the gates yet."

Endeavor? Kayama thought, Never mind. Deal with Akatani first.

She carefully made her way to the front, putting her hands out as if she were talking to an injured animal.

"It's okay. Calm down."

She tried moving closer, and Midoriya growled at her, backing away warily.

Midoriya had no idea who this person with dark purple hair and a white and black outfit. His sense of smell was still off, but he was certain that the smell of sleeping gas was there, no matter how weak or strong it kept alternating between.

"Go.. go away." He croaked, as he clutched Shinsou closer to his chest protectively. He could feel Shinsou's grasp on his shirt tighten.

He hated how weak his voice sounded. But his throat was completely dry, and the fact that he could practically taste blood every time he spoke wasn't good.

"Leave him alone!" Midoriya growled, this time more forcefully.

Midoriya didn't know why, but he knew he wouldn't be able to last long in a fight. He could feel his legs starting to shake, his arms trembling from the strain.

He didn't know where he was. He was completely disorientated.

The blood loss and the exertion was getting to him. His body flared up in pain, and Midoirya wheezed when everything started hurting all at once.

With Love, Comes the PainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon