Chapter Twelve: Juno

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I believe the sole purpose of me getting Dice and Black was for them to help me build my empire. It was the easiest and less stressful option I had. They ran a few jobs for me, I stack up my paper, and we all be good. Clearly, that is not the case anymore. 'Cause here I am with less money than I started with, no product, and my whole crew has been terminated. And I haven't heard from the dynamic father and daughter at all since this shit went left. I feel like I've been played. And I don't really deal too well with being played.


I called my brother from upstairs. He's another one that's been really quiet lately. It was his damn idea to get them two fuckers to begin with. He seems so calm, cool, and collected about my entire network being shitted on as we speak. The bastard knows something and his best bet is to tell me. I didn't give a fuck about him when we were kids. I would terrorize him. Trick him into thinking girls like him, when in all actuality, they only talked to him because I made them for my entertainment. He was a mistake in my eyes. I don't give a damn that he's the oldest. Our mother clearly should've swallowed that night. So, I definitely don't give two rat fucks about him now.

He came running down the stairs and came and sat next to me on the couch. I took my gun from off my hip and placed it on the table. I saw his smile slip, which is wonderful. I need this nigga to know I mean business.

"What up, Juno?"

"What you was doing up there Booch?"

"P-playing the game."

"Playing the game huh? You been doing that a lot lately instead of workin'. What's that about?"

"I mean ... we haven't really had no product Juno."

"Yeah, about that. Weren't you supposed to be finding out what happened to my little operation here? I believe I asked you to do that."

"Juno, listen-"

I grabbed him by the back of his neck and forcefully slammed his head down on the coffee table that was in front of us. He stumbled onto the floor, blood gushing from his nose. I grabbed the gun back up and cocked it.

"It's a lot of shady shit going on around me, Boochie. I don't like shady shit."

"I ain't doing shit!"

"Yeah, but you know who is. Now tell me before I kill yo crack head ass!"

"Aight, it's Dice."

"Nigga, what?"

"Word on the street is, Dice is the one who stole all the connects. He's trying to be king now. And to be completely honest, a lot of people are going to him as if he is."

I cursed under my breath and paced back and forth. I saw my brother get up and dust his clothes off while shooting me a sideways glance. I was too busy thinking of a plan to even acknowledge the shit, but I damn sure will address it later.

Here I am, thinking I'm helping a nigga out. Hell, Dice told me one day he was itching to get back in the game. So, I introduced him to all my connects and showed him the ins and outs of my operation. I was treating him as if he was my right-hand man and shit, he honestly could have. But that's what I get for trying to be nice to mother fuckers. I even gave the nigga his wife back. I should've kept the bitch and fucked her. Raised that little bastard child as my own. Bet Dice's loyalty would've been with me then.

"I'm sick of this nigga Dice! Nigga always thinkin' he better than somebody! I should just kill him."

"That's like trying to kill the god father."

I stopped pacing and looked at my brother. I forgot he was even in the room for a second.

"What the fuck did you just say?"

The Family Hustle (Drugs,Love&Money Book 4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang