Chapter Seven: Black

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I woke up to the smell of some food being made and I rolled my eyes. I got in late but Malachi seems to not give a damn about my need for sleep. He hasn't said much to me ever since I made the decision to help my father. I don't really blame him. Every time I get a call or text about a job I stop what I'm doing and go off into the night. I'm falling deeper and deeper into my old life and I think it's too late for me to turn back now.

I crawled out of the bed and grumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. Malachi was at the stove cooking with nothing on but some pajama pants. I bit on my lower lip and watched as his muscles bulged with every move he made. He was doing this on purpose. He knows we haven't had time for the intimate part of our relationship. I believe that attempt to have a quickie in the laundry room was the last time. I looked over at the laundry door and a chill ran down my spine.

"Good morning, dear." I said to him.

He looked over at me then looked back at the food.

"So, you're ignoring me now?"

"You're never here anymore, Jade."

I sighed and walked over to him and kissed his back.

"I know." I whispered.

He turned around to face me then picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked over to the counter and placed me on it. He pushed my legs apart and stood in between them and started rubbing my thighs. I can tell he was trying to keep me calm. I blow up every time we have an argument and he's told me time and time again I don't have to be so angry. He's my husband I shouldn't be talking to him as if he's one of my twin boys.

"Jade, we need you home. Me and the boys."

"I know baby and I wanna be home but- "

"But nothing. I know you're trying to help your dad but this has been going on for two weeks now. Do y'all even know where Zion is?"


"My point exactly. I just feel like you're fighting a never-ending battle and the kids are starting to notice."

"Baby, I'm trying. And as soon as I get any small information I'm going to run with it and it'll be all over. I promise."

"Jade - "

"Just trust me Chi, okay?"

He pulled me closer to the edge of the counter and tenderly kissed me.

"I love you woman. I love you so much. And if anything ever happened to you -"

I cut him off with another kiss.

"It won't."

His eyes trailed down to my lips and I noticed his breathing started to get deeper. The tips of his fingers trailed the edge of the pair of boxers of his that I had on.

"I haven't tasted you in so long."

He licked his lips then started pulling the boxers down over my hips. I leaned back on the counter and closed my eyes to prepare myself. I missed my husband and how he makes me surrender.


I beeped the horn outside of my father's place and waited for him to come out. Malachi and I are in a better place so I guess that makes me feel a lot better about today. Who knows what Juno has in store for us this time but I need to wrap this up. Malachi was right, it doesn't seem like we're getting to a closing point with this. I miss my kids and I know he is running out of excuses for why I'm not home.

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