Never Change ... Okay? [FFH Spoilers !!]

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AN: I rewatched FFH for the same reason I watched it initially, which was for Jake Gyllenhaal, and boy that man never disappoints.

But yeah deadass same as last spiderman chap, I just wanted to slide tony x clint into this.

Third Person's POV

"I'm sorry, did you say Prague? Listen Director, this all seems like big time ... you know, superhero stuff. I'm just your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman."

Nick Fury shot him a look as the man continued to stay seated, but before he could speak up another voice interjected.

"First of all, he's not the Director anymore, I am." They all turned their attention towards the newcomer who had a devilish smile on their face. "Second of all, I'm sorry for being late, something came up."

They turned their body towards Fury who rolled his eye and let out a deep breath.

"Something isn't a viable excuse."

"It is when I no longer work for you." Then they leaned in with an even bigger grin, "If anything you work for me now."

"Remind me to put a bullet in your head after we're done here Barton."

Clint Barton chuckled and took a step back, "I'm kidding of course, really though, something did come up, but I got the gist of what's happening here."

"M-Mr Barton, I didn't know you were going to be here." Peter blinked, in all honesty he was relieved to see the man. Although their relationship was shaky at first, after the events of the Vulture the two had time to strengthen the relationship they had.

Last he saw Clint though was at Tony's funeral, he wondered how the man was holding up. If Peter was a wreck even now, he could only assume what Clint was going through.

"Fury said he needed extra eyes, I have the resources, but you'll be running missions with Mr Beck." Clint gestured towards Quentin Beck who was listening in silently from the sidelines. "But if you really get into trouble ... you have my number."

"So its settled, you're going to Prague." Fury breathed out and finally stood on his feet.

"What?" Peter scoffed and moved back slightly, "No, I'm sorry after the Washington Monument ... if people see me here, they'll know I'm Spiderman."

The other man stared at him briefly and nodded once, "Fine, I understand."

"You do?"

"Dimitri take him back to his hotel."

Peter eyed him then the room one more time, "T-Thank you." He walked past Quentin and smiled at him, "Good luck."

"See you kid." Quentin smiled back with a slight nod and with that Peter was escorted back towards the hotel.

Clint narrowed his eyes at Beck then turned his eyes towards Fury.

"I have to go."

"You just got here."

The blonde's eyes moved towards the ground, "Something came up, don't worry."

His former boss studied him and took a deep breath. "Do what you have to."

As Clint Barton left the room, Quentin's eyes followed him out.


"I knew something wasn't right."

He muttered to himself as his eyes sifted through all the information that was being given to him by the computer. His fingers hovered over a hologram and expanded it so that the images were larger in front of him. The photo showed a picture of Quentin Beck standing along side Tony Stark.

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