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AN: Going to be a little Ezra-centred chapter. I just have this idea in my head and it won't leave, hope you don't mind xx.

Can I warn. After I finished this. I realised how long this was but I was just genuinely that invested in this one.

"We're sorry we're giving you this responsibility." Tony Stark smiled sadly as he glanced over at the baby in the crate.

"Hey, at least I get your sweet house." Natasha Romanoff smirked and shrugged. Stark's eyes casted towards the ground and nodded briefly. To his surprise she hugged him with no notice. "Stay safe alright? If anything happened to you, I wouldn't know how to explain it to your kid."

"Hey, we battled through aliens, I think I can handle a long-term mission." He scoffed and hugged her back. "Fifteen years." He let out a large sigh as he pulled away and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"I got through seven. Trust me, you won't realise how fast time goes."

"At least when I get through it. HYDRA will be gone, at least that's the absolute end goal."

"Even if you manage to go five, that'll give us a lot of information."

He nodded and turned as he heard a noise by the door. His partner stopped by the door frame and had a look in his eyes that meant they had to leave.

"You don't even want to say goodbye to me Barton? Here I thought you were my best friend." Romanoff pouted and teased. The blonde scoffed and rolled his eyes before he stepped into the household. He hugged her and for a moment he didn't want to let go. "You stay safe too."

"Thanks, and thank you for taking care of my kid." Barton said and pulled away. He glanced at the crate and walked over. Stark and Romanoff watched from the distance. The blonde didn't say anything, he loomed over his child who stared at him with big rounded eyes. Barton smiled and took off the dog-tags that hung off his neck. He placed it beside the baby and stroked his cheek. "We'll be back soon. Until then, wait for us yeah?"

The baby gurgled as if he agreed. Barton gave a pained smile and walked away from the crate.

"Let's go." Barton stated as he walked out of the door. Stark smiled at Romanoff one last time before he left the household.


"Are my parents dead?" Ezra Stark deadpanned as he glanced up at Romanoff who cooked dinner. She laughed in disbelief and stared at the child momentarily. She wondered how such a young child would understand the concept of death. "You can tell me. I won't cry."

"Kiddo, your parents are not dead." She reassured and stirred the pasta in the pot.

"Where did they go then?" He asked as he tugged her pants. "Did they abandon me in a box?"

"What have you been watching?" She frowned and realised she probably shouldn't let a young child watch whatever he desired. "But no, they did not abandon you in a box. They love you very much and I promise they'll come home soon."

"You say that all the time." The boy puffed his cheeks in annoyance.

"Do you see that necklace you always wear?" She watched as the boy glanced down at the dog tags. He nodded. "That belonged to your parents and they gave it to you as a symbol that they will comeback."

"I still think they're dead." Ezra muttered, she just laughed and shook her head.


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