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AN: I missed you guys. And writing. But I have exams and I sort of sliced my thumb open so typing is a bit weird. But I had this idea >:D

Clint Barton tugged against the handcuffs that cuffed his hands together behind him. He was sat on a chair and blindfolded. It would have been an idiotic move to attempt an escape whilst being unable to see. He hadn't a clue where he was and who brought him here.

All he remembered was being drugged at SHIELD, rendering him unconscious. He wondered how nobody noticed their leader being drugged and abducted.

If he counted correctly, he had been here for almost two days. He had remained tied to a chair and blindfolded for two days. The only form of nourishment he received was shoved down his throat.

Suddenly the door opened, breaking him away from his thoughts. He turned his head towards the direction of the sound and tilted his head. Fortunately for him, they had let him keep his hearing aids.

He heard the footsteps approach him, the shoes sounded expensive. There wasn't a way to describe that, but it had a 'business man' sound to it. Years of relying on his ears had granted him a new perception of the world.

He felt the person lift his chin up. He tried to inch away but the other person let out an amused scoff.

"You know-" The man said, Barton froze upon recognising the voice. "I've always been used to your dominant trait but seeing you tied up like this...I don't know, submissive is a good look on you."

"Tony?" Clint muttered, shocked and tried to deny the possibility. The other man's hand ran down his neck which made him shiver.

"Well, I never took you for the stupid type but yay! You're correct honey." Stark chuckled, the pet name sounded disgusting at that tone. Clint had millions of thoughts running through his head, most of them started with 'Why?'.

"Tony if this is a joke, it's not exactly funny." Clint scoffed nervously, Stark pulled down the blindfold and grinned maliciously at his lover.

"Oh I assure you, it really isn't." Tony said and caressed the blonde's face. "But no dear, I'm here to tell you that our relationship...well, no that's a rude way to say it actually." Stark mumbled and pouted his lips. "Sorry, sometimes my thoughts go too fast for-"

"For you to project." Clint finished the sentence, Stark smiled gleefully.

"Aw. You remember my sayings. Then again I guess we're married." Tony said then clasped Clint's knees before standing straight once again. "But cutting to the chase. Basically to start, my father was apart of HYDRA."

Barton frowned and thought about the logic behind that. Tony walked behind him and wrapped his arms around Clint's neck. The blonde glanced at him and tried his best to inch away.

"And I guess I sort of just ended up following his footsteps. No hassle really, he did sort of leave me a big company." Stark continued to explain and breathed in Clint's scent. "You need a shower."

"Maybe if you didn't kidnap me, I'd have that opportunity." Barton tried to joke, Stark managed to crack a smile.

"Anyhow. Here I am, running HYDRA, ironic isn't it? We're like two sides of justice."

"Why didn't I see this coming?"

"I know right! For being one of the most established spy in the world, I really slipped under your nose. Then again we've been married for five years."

"Am I the Director because you put a word in?" Clint somehow stayed calmer than Tony expected.

"Hm? No by then HYDRA was completely out of SHIELD's hairs. I can assure you now, SHIELD is not covered in HYDRA parasites." Stark informed, "I always knew you could do it."

"Was I a mission to you?"

"I could ask you the same question." Stark smirked and ran his hand down Clint's neck once again. Barton stared at him, his eyes meeting the hazel brown that always seemed to calm him. "I can also tell you, I do love you. Which is why you're here."

"How do I know you're not lying...and what do you mean?"

"Have I ever lied to you before?" Stark rolled his eyes, Barton frowned and thought about a time where Tony could have lied. No recollection of lying ever came to him. "You know mass genocide? That seems fun and I'd be heartbroken if something happened to you."

"What?" Clint suddenly snapped, Stark chuckled and stroked the other man's hair.

"It's alright babe, mass is a strong word. Maybe like...slight?"

"Where?" Barton demanded and thought about ways he could possibly intervene.

"Relax. It's a test, I don't even know if it's going to work. So maybe people won't die today." Tony chuckled and gripped against Barton's shoulders. "I mean you're the one that always said that I shouldn't discard my experiments so quickly."

"Where?!" Barton growled, Stark managed a small laugh.

"I mean, I'm supposed to have a charity ball tonight. I thought it be cool if I did it there. Want to come?" Stark asked, Clint wondered what his husband's game plan was. "You always do look pretty in a suit."

"What makes you think I won't just evacuate the place?" Barton mused.

"Well, you could but even if you do, the nanites are already in their system."

"What nanites?"

"That's probably what they'll ask too." Tony smirked and kissed the top of Barton's head. "Let's go get you showered." 

Iron-Hawk Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora