You Ask Too Many Questions [Demon AU] (1/2)

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AN: The ending is super rushed because I had no clue how to end it.

Third Person's POV

"We need to talk about what you did back there!"

He shouted at empty space but watched as the figure suddenly appeared as if jumping out from the shadows.

"You told me to handle them. So, I did."

His mouth was left ajar as he tried to formulate his sentence.

"I didn't mean fucking kill them!"

"Well maybe you should have been more specific." The voice mocked and approached him. A soft finger tilted his chin upwards and the two made eye contact. "Besides it was you who killed them."

"I didn't lay a fucking hand on them." He growled and jabbed the other in the chest.

"I answer to your commands. Think of me like a gun, I'm a danger yes but I can't be fired without a user. So perhaps you should just be more specific next time."

He shot a look of horror and watched as the other smirked before they laughed to themselves.


"I what Tony?" The other snapped up and glared at him with pulsing red irises. "You made a deal with me. I said that I would help you in return for your soul." A beat passed. "Why wouldn't you want them dead anyway? They hurt you."

"I'm not going to become a killer just because they did some fucked up things to me." He bared his teeth. "I'd be no better than you."

"I saved you. You can't at least show a little gratitude?" The demon cooed. "Look those bastards are going to hell anyway, I may as well have sent them there faster."

He narrowed his eyes and refused to make eye contact with the other. "So, all that heaven and hell stuff is real?"


"Do you really just torture people in hell?"

"Not really my specialty."

"So what do you do?"

"I make deals with people like you." The demon smiled innocently like a child. "Take their soul afterwards."

"What do you do with the souls?" His head couldn't deal with the information that was coming at him. Afghanistan was already enough for him to cope with. "Is it for sustenance?"

The other hummed contemplatively. "No, it's more like currency." He nodded and pretended to understand.

"And what happens after you take my soul?"

"Nothing. You don't go to heaven or hell."

He scoffed and shook his head. "Wouldn't that be more enjoyable than hell though?"

"You really just want to live in nothing? You'll be conscious, but you won't be able to do anything. It's just blackness." The demon explained then shrugged, "Well in your case you don't have a choice."

"So what? Is this it? You saved me from Afghanistan only for me to just die right now?" He laughed at the ridiculousness of the idea.

"Well, our deal was for me to protect you. Do you still require protection?"

The demon stared at him with heavy eyes. The red in his iris had faded away into soft blues. He wasn't sure what answer to give. He wanted to live but he didn't want to mislead a demon of all things.

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