Questions/Headcanons - 3

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AN: is been a while since the last headcanons/questions kinda stuff. So here ya go. Also i drew !! Ignore my messy desk!!

Who's the shorter one in the relationship?

Tony was shorter, and his height had never bothered him until he met his partner. Stark stood at 6 foot which wasn't particularly short but compared to Clint; his partner was inches taller. It almost placed the man as tall as Captain America himself.

"Are you alright?" Clint asked as he walked into the kitchen only to find Tony reaching for a shelf. The brunette sighed and stopped overextending himself. "Do you need help getting that?"

"I can get it myself." Tony grumbled and feebly reached once again. Moments passed, and he saw another hand reach out for the jar that he wanted. The hand then handed the jar over to Stark. "I didn't need your help." He pouted as he held the jar close to him.

"I know, but I thought I'd make your life a little easier." Clint chuckled and patted the other man's head. Tony knitted his eyebrows together and pushed the man's hand away.

"I'm older than you, stop treating me like a child!"

"Can I help that you're so short?"

"I am not short, you're just annoyingly tall." Tony stamped his foot on the ground. Clint just continued to smile. "Now move, otherwise you're not eating tonight."

Who is more likely to get flustered over being called cute?

Clint and he'll never be able to get used to it. He had lived most of his life without anybody coddling him but ever since he met Tony, things had changed.

"Are you blushing?" Tony grinned as they stepped out of the restaurant. Clint just turned his face away and stared at anything but his boyfriend.

"No." He simply replied and flinched when Tony suddenly touched his face.

"Oh my god you're blushing!" Stark beamed like a ray of sunshine. That only intensified his reddened face.

"It's just cold alright?" Clint grumbled as he shifted his feet. His partner laughed like a giddy child.

"You don't have to act tough all the time you know? Nobody is going to hurt." Stark's smile softened and proceeded to hold Clint's hand. He gripped Tony's hand as if he wasn't going to let go. "To think I could get you all embarrassed because I called you cute."

"I'm not cute."

"Don't take any offence to this, but it's like trying to argue with a marshmallow." Tony teased as they had started to walk back towards the car. "I will never understand how people are scared of you." Barton blinked. "You're just a big softie."

Whose more protective?

They both are. Whether it be physically or verbally, they're overprotective of one another. This quality would lead to the both of them being protective over their children as well.

Who forgets to put the cat outside before sex?

Clint. When you're in the mood it's easy to forget small details such as placing their cat outside their room.

"You feel so good." Stark moaned softly as his arms wrapped around the other man's neck. Clint pressed a kiss against his partner's neck as he quickened his pace.


Stark shoved the blonde away from him and stared at the cat who had jumped up onto the bedside table. Clint kneeled on the bed with the bedsheets covering his lower body.

"You didn't put her outside?" Tony widened his eyes, the cat continued to watch, her tail flicking upwards every so often. The brunette quickly pulled his briefs back on and pushed himself out of the bed. He picked the cat up and scratched her stomach. "You're being such a cock blocker right now."

Stark opened the bedroom door and placed her down outside before he shut the door once again.

"I didn't think she was in here." Clint muttered as he scratched the back of his head. Stark rolled his eyes and jumped back in bed once again. The man placed the pillow over his head and proceeded to lull himself to sleep. "Aw c'mon babe, I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you, it just killed the mood." Tony's voice was muffled, "Go jack yourself off if you need to but I'm going to sleep."

What does their day typically comprise of?

They both aren't morning people, so most days comprise of them either asleep or lying in bed until one of them decides that they need to get up. They'd eat brunch and if either of them had work, they would busy themselves with that until dinner.

Dinner was either cooked, takeaway or if they were really in the mood they would go to the restaurant. Sometimes they'd spend their night watching a film or playing a video game together. Then they'd spend another hour in their bedroom resting and talking about anything and everything.

If neither had work however, sometimes they'd go out on a date and most dates eventually led to sex.

"I don't get it, why didn't he just kill her beforehand?" Tony asked as they were watching a movie at home. Clint's hand was draped over his partner pulling the man close to his chest. "See? Now he's in deep shit."

The blonde chuckled as Stark complained about the film. "It's just a movie."

"Yeah a shitty one at that." Tony said and put more popcorn in his mouth. "I told you we should have just played the new game you bought."

"Then we can turn this off."

"No." Stark grounded, "We're already half way through, we may as well finish it. I'm not quitter."

Who accidentally hurts the other the most?

Tony, since his partner usually spent time in his workshop the blonde was prone to being hurt one way or another.

"Hey are you feeling alright?" Tony smiled nervously as he watched his partner tightly wrap a bandage around his arm.

"You fucking stabbed me, what do you think?!" Clint glared, Stark rubbed his palm against the back of him.

"In my defense, I said watch out."

"You suck you know that?" Barton grumbled like a child. Tony patted the other man's head reassuringly. "One day I'm going to die and it's going to be your fault."

"Hey, every time I say go chill somewhere else, you refuse." Stark pointed out and received another glare. "But I appreciate you wanting to keep me company." He pinched the blonde's cheek and watched as Clint huffed. "You know, I'm going to start carrying a note around with me that says 'Clint did it.'"

"What?" Barton furrowed his brows, generally confused.

"Just in case I get murdered, so you can never re-marry." Tony smirked, Clint stared at him with terrified eyes.

"I married a psychopath."

Stark pulled him into a hug and stroked the blonde's back. Clint froze. "Shhh, just let it happen babe. I'll protect you spiritually if you get sent to prison." 

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