Enough [Soul Mate AU]

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AN: I never thought I would write these soul mate AU things but I thought this one was the least 'tacky' and I don't know I thought this one would work for this Tony and Clint.

Clint Barton had always thought the idea of finding your soul mate through colours was pretty fucking ridiculous. Everybody had a favourite colour, or at least a colour that was associated with them. In this world, it was impossible to see colours that your soulmate was associated with until you meet them.

Barton drew the short straw as apparently his soulmate enjoyed the colours red and yellow a lot. He was unable to see two primary colours, instead the bright colours, they were replaced with shades of grey. That became a problem area in his line of work, which was espionage.

He couldn't see when snipers had their guns pointed at him. He couldn't make out those thin red lasers that acted as motion sensors. He couldn't tell how long somebody had been dead for or if they had any internal problems from their blood colour.

It was all a hassle and he sure as hell hoped his soul mate would be worth it in the end.

However, one day at SHIELD, he noticed a visible change in his colour perception. Nick Fury had asked him to run through a report that a trainee had analyse. He opened the file and froze at what he saw. Fury noticed the younger man's uneasiness and asked what was wrong.

"Did you write this note in red pen sir?" Barton muttered as he saw the sticky note on top of the papers.

"Yes, is anything wrong with that?" Fury raised an eyebrow, he watched as his agent slowly looked up and nodded. "You've never had a problem with it before."

"Y-yeah because before I couldn't see red!" Barton raised his voice, other agents turned their heads and stared at him. He laughed nervously and apologised, "So at one point today I must have been in the same room with them or something."

"That's not how it works." Fury stated, "You have to at least have talked to them or actually meet them." The blonde tilted his head to one side and watched as his boss rolled his eye. "You forget I've been through this process."

"Who the hell did I talk to today?" Barton muttered as he shut his file.

"I'm sure you can figure it out yourself." Fury said, "By the way have you contacted Romanoff regarding her mission with Stark?"

"I did. Everything sounded good on her end sir." Barton reported, "If you'll excuse me I'll run through this report." His boss nodded and let the blonde leave. Barton let out a deep breath and wondered how much time he should invest in finding his soulmate.


"Who are you talking to?" Tony Stark asked as he saw hi-Pepper's assistant on the phone. Natasha Romanoff turned her head with her phone still pressed against her ear. "Is it a boyfriend? Can I meet him?"

"Stark, I don't have time for this right now." She hissed, "Anyways, tell Fury this is all getting wrapped up."

"Hi boyfriend! Who's probably another spy!" Stark raised his voice and paused when he heard an amused chuckle on the other end. Romanoff rolled her eyes and smacked Stark on the arm. The brunette winced and rubbed the area where he was hit. He watched as she hung up the call and held her phone in her hands. "Anyways, Pepper needs you."

"On it." She nodded and quickly walked past him. He watched as she disappeared before he himself left the empty room. He walked down his office hallways and paused when he walked past something that interested him.

A pot of lavender flowers. He stared at the flowers for a little while and narrowed his eyes. They were grey before he walked into that room. He knew that Romanoff wasn't his soulmate so it must have been the man on the phone. Stark wasn't sure what to think, he was utterly speechless.

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