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AN: In which Tony doesn't know that Clint is Hawkeye and works for SHIELD.

Third Person's POV

"Babe is that you?!" His partner called out which caused him to panic. He kicked off his boots and snuck past to run up the stairs. He ran to his room and shoved all his equipment under his bed, hoping that it would provide a safe hiding spot for now. He quickly rushed back down stairs and waltzed into the kitchen as if nothing was wrong. "You could have at least responded."

"S-Sorry." Clint Barton apologised as he walked towards his partner who was cooking dinner. The blonde wrapped his arms around the other man's waist and rested his head on Tony Stark's shoulder. The brunette chuckled and leaned his head against Barton's. "What are you cooking?"


"Don't you know carbs are the devil?"

"I'm sorry, do you not want to eat tonight?" Stark scoffed and stirred the sauce that was slowly coming to boil. Then he turned and fully faced his partner who continued to smile. "Where did that come from?" Stark touched the younger man's eye which had a bruise.

"I walked into a wall." He excused himself which earnt a disapproving look from the other man.

"And that excuse is still as believable as the first time you used it." Stark said sarcastically and turned around to tend to the food once again. The blonde laughed nervously and watched as Tony turned off the stove and served the food. "C'mon, what really happened?"

"Well, you know my job..." Barton muttered and sat down on the dinner table. Tony served him a plate before he sat across his partner.

"You work in an office." Stark called out and pushed his fork into the soft pasta. "I'm not going to judge you."

Clint had never told Tony what he really did for a living. He never told Stark that he was an assassin for SHIELD since he was scared that Tony would push him away. He simply lied and for five years Stark had bought it, or at least played along. He knew that the brunette would figure out eventually but he decided to keep it hidden for now.

"I got into a fight." Barton simplified the actual events. Stark paused and set his fork down.

"You what?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm not proud of it. Some guy tried to take something from me." Which was an over simplification of HYDRA soldiers attacking a SHIELD base.

"Well I know you can fight, so I hope you landed the last hit." Stark shrugged off as he continued to eat. Clint was surprised that his partner didn't react anymore than that. The blonde simply nodded and finally picked up his fork.

He brought the pasta to his mouth and ate silently. He paused as he realized that Tony watched him as he ate.


"I just wanted to see if you liked it or not." Stark smiled sweetly, Barton felt the sudden tightness in his chest as he realized how adorable his partner was.

"It actually tastes pretty good." Barton regarded as he continued to eat. "Which is surprising because you burn everything."

"You're so mean to me, I don't burn everything." Tony rolled his eyes as he poked his food in annoyance. The blonde laughed a little.

"Thank you though, I appreciate you cooking for me."


"Please tell me what's going on with you! You come home late, hurt or worse of all you don't come home at all." Stark teared up as the two fought. Barton's expression softened as he realized how upset he made his partner. "I love you but I can't help you if you don't trust me."

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