Contract [Mafia AU]

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AN: Mafia AU anyone? I don't know how long this will be xD depends how lazy I am. Basic pretence Clint is an assassin/contract killer. It'll be decided xD Tony is leader of a crime mafia basically.

"What if I don't want to sign this?" Clint Barton asked as he pushed away the file that was handed to him. He stared at the handcuffs that secured him to the metal table, then to the ballpoint pen beside him. If he planned this perfectly, he would be out of this room in about 12 minutes with the pen being his primary weapon.

"Then I'll suit to arresting you". The man trying to negotiate with him was Nicholas Fury. He was a private detective agency's leader and had recently requested the presence of the notorious killer, Hawkeye.

"And I gave myself in with no struggle." Barton responded and shrugged with a grin. "But if do what is asked. Not only will you pay me but you'll also just let me go?"

"That is correct."

"Is there anything binding you to that promise."

"I don't think you're in a god damn position to make demands." Fury suddenly snapped, slamming his palms on the metal table. Clint Barton just chuckled and continued to grin, it made Fury uneasy.

The blonde assassin's Cheshire cat smile made anybody uneasy. The man had been recorded with kills in the triple digits and his success rate was impeccable. Atop of that, it was nearly impossible to link his kills with him. Although Barton himself had openly admitted to the crimes, due to the absence of evidence, he always walked a free man.

"I'll do it, I mean for a small agency, that is a large sum of money." Barton responded, then stood up, the handcuffs fell to the table. Fury's hand instinctively reached over the gun strapped to his thigh, the assassin raised his hands defensively. "I'm not going to kill you. When I sign this contract, I'm sworn to loyalty to you until my job is done."

The blonde picked up the pen and skimmed the agreements once more before he signed the paper. He set the pen down and glanced back up at the other man in the room.

"Well, I'm going to go do my job now." Clint huffed as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "I'll send you photos for proof."


Clint Barton muttered his thoughts as he walked down the busy streets of New York. His phone carried all the information about his target. The infamous Tony Stark was his next destined kill. The playboy-billionaire who the public adored. However, many questioned where Stark had earnt his wealth, although the public sensed foul-play, there had been no evidence linking the Stark lineage to any crimes.

Away from public eye, Tony Stark was the leader of an underground crime syndicate. The assassin's job was simple, kill Stark.

The playboy had control over, everything. Nearby police districts, a way to efficiently take out witnesses and other established businesses. Larger enforcement companies such as the CIA had been trying to pin down Stark since day one, but it proved to be impossible.

Now it came to the point where they had to hire a contract killer. Barton smirked at the thought entirely. It astonished him how desperate the legal system was to take down the Stark family.

He continued to walk down the street before he turned and walked into an alleyway. He stopped by a rusted door which was locked. He sighed and picked the lock before he slipped inside quietly. He continued to walk, stumbling into a kitchen but he quickly walked back out to the main area.

He let out a heavy sigh as he took in his surroundings. He was at a club, an obnoxiously loud one at that. But it played to his strengths to stay hidden where no one would notice him. His fingers reached over his watch and pressed a button on the side.

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