Friend (High-school AU)

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AN: highschool AU! Anyone ? Just. I can't imagine how cute this could turn out.

Clint Barton sat on the grass, leaning back against a tree. He shut his eyes and felt the breeze blow against him softly. He was far enough so that the other students wouldn't take note of him but not too far that he was out of bounds.

He was lonely a majority of the time. Not that he minded of course. The other kids hated him, called him names and occasionally hurt him physically. This wouldn't have happened if he didn't get into some prestigious school. If he had stayed in his league and stayed in some run of the mill high school.

But he had memories of being in a normal high school. It wasn't that great either.

Around a year ago, he ran away from home. Ran from his abusive family. His alcoholic father still created vivid memories within him.

He wasn't sure how lucky he was but someone kindly took him in. They saw him on the street, cold and hungry and took him in. Gave him a home, a loving environment and even paid for his tuition at this expensive school.

He got in by a scholarship. He didn't see it but he was talented in both sports and arts. His home was littered with his works of art. If he wasn't painting he was kicking around a soccer ball. Contrary to what the students think, he was somewhat intelligent. Not a genius but above average.

He opened his eyes as he felt something brush past his leg. It was a bird. He just smiled and watched as the bird pecked the ground.

He glanced away as he heard the sound of laughter. He saw a group of students surrounding a table. They were the popular kids. It sounded something straight out of a movie but there were popular kids. Kids that everyone wanted to befriend. Yet the kids that usually got into a bunch of trouble.

The girls were caked in make-up. The boys weren't any better, their hair was horribly too waxed. That wasn't what bothered Barton the most, it was their personality. They were rich, pompous and took things for granted.

Amongst them. Was quite possibly the most popular student within this entire school. Tony Stark.

The worst part of that was, Clint had a crush on him. He felt like a kinder gardener having 'crushes'. He just found Tony attractive that's all.

He couldn't tell anyone. He was already the most hated student and if he gave them another reason to hate him, that would have been hell. He wasn't gay, at least he thought he wasn't. His old family grounded it into him that it was wrong.

It felt wrong. To be different. To have feelings towards the same gender. He just couldn't help it.

He heard them laugh again, except when he looked up. They were staring at him and laughing. It didn't take a genius go figure out they were taking about him. Stark caught his eye, the boy however wasn't laughing with them.

"Check it. He looks so lost." Someone snickered whilst nudging at Tony. Stark just sighed and glanced at the blonde who sat by himself.

In all honesty Tony felt bad for him. The boy moved to a new school only to have a majority of the students single him out. He heard that the blonde was a runaway and got 'fortunate' enough to be adopted.

They said that he was using his new family to his advantage. That he got into the school because his family paid it all off. Stark knew deep down that it wasn't true.

"There's a rumour that he likes you" A girl laughed in a mocking manner. "How disgusting" Tony made no comment.

As much as he didn't want to admit it. He hated his group of friends. They were only friends with him because Stark came from an established family. They wouldn't hesitate to leave him if they found someone more 'famous'.

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