The Board [Soft NSFW]

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AN: I had another soft NSFW idea in my head. So you know. Happy Birthday to those that wanna read it. Mind you I'm not good with writing this stuff. But I'll try my best!

Clint Barton listened quietly as the board discussed future about certain operations. He stifled a yawn and leaned back against the leather chair. These meetings always seemed to be dragged out and it bored the hell out of Director. Nevertheless, Barton always listened to the most crucial parts of the information given.

His phone then vibrated on the glass table. He glanced at the device then back at the council member talking. He lifted the phone up slightly to reveal the screen that was placed face down. There was a message from Stark. Not one second later another message came in. Tony had just wanted attention.

Barton sighed and placed the phone back down again. It seemed like the council member had been talking about the same topic for an hour now.

The phone vibrated once again. Barton let out another deep sigh and decided to check the messages.

'I'm bored. When's your meeting done' – TS.

'I know you can see these messages. Stop ignoring me.' – TS.

'I can make your time actually worthwhile ;)' – TS.

Barton smirked to himself and licked his lips as he thought about what to reply with it. His fingers hovered over the keyboard and quickly typed something in.

'Leave me alone. I'm in a meeting and you know that.' – CB.

'Yes but I'm bored.' – TS. The reply came almost instantaneously.

'Jack off or something. But leave me alone' – CB. He said it as a joke, it was clearly a joke.

'If you say so Honey. ;)' – TS. Barton frowned and glanced up at the people who were still talking. Moments later another message came by. This time it was an image. A rather explicit image.

Clint bit his lip and took a deep breath in. God he wanted some of that right now.

"Director are you still with us?" Somebody clarified. Clint snapped up and turned his phone off.

"Y-yes. I apologise for that." Clint muttered as he smiled politely. No more distractions.

"Hey, can you hear me?" The voice came out of nowhere. Barton flinched and some of the members of the boards gave him strange looks. The voice was coming from his hearing aids. "By that reaction I assume you could"

Barton couldn't say anything back. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't. He assumed Stark must have access to the camera feed and to his hearing aids. He now regrets having them doubled up as a communications device.

"Well this is going to get interesting. Especially because you can't do much can you ?" Stark chuckled over the coms. "The look on your face right now is enough to get me off."

Clint tapped his fingers on the table and tried to stay calm.

"I am so hard right now. Like Jesus fuck." Stark moaned. Barton could feel his pants get tighter. "I bet you won't be able to resist touching yourself." Clint just took a deep breath in and hoped his erection would fade. "Are you really that perverted to want to jack off in front of the board? "

Barton smiled nervously as a question was directed towards him. He answered the best he could without shocking on his words.

"I'm close. I can't believe I'm completely getting hard just by the looks on your face."

Barton pursed his lips as he heard more audible moaning. He slowly brought his hand up towards one of his hearing aids and turned it off. Then turned off the other ones. Maybe now he'll be left in peace.

"Oh c'mon did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?" Tony's voice came back through, the engineer had hacked the devices so they'd turn on once again.

"God damn it!" Clint Barton suddenly shouted, the board stopped and stared at him. It was at this point he realised he had shouted. He swallowed nervously, "I-um... Apologise, there was something on my he-"

"I didn't think you'd actually snap. That was pretty amusing." Stark cut him off and laughed over the intercoms.

"I swear to god Stark, I will rip your head off when I get home." Barton stated, at this point he did not care anymore.

"Are we interrupting something?" A council woman asked, Clint managed a smile and left the room without further notice. He stood outside the door and breathed.

"Well that was dramatic." Tony noted as he continued to smile.

"I hate you so much." Barton muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose. It didn't help that he still had a growing erection in his pants. "I'm going to go back in that room and sort this shit. If I hear a word from you, I will brutalise you. Do you hear me?"

"But I want to talk to you."

"How about this. When I get home, we can do whatever the fuck you want."

"Anything?" Stark purred, Clint slightly worried about the tone.

"Yes. Anything." He responded, knowing very well that he would regret that decision.


"How was work?" Stark asked as he pressed a kiss against his partner's lips. Barton scoffed and managed to roll his eyes.

"Stressful no thanks to you." Clint answered, Tony pouted but continued to smile.

"I think I made your day better didn't I?"

"I was pretty much hard throughout the entirety of that meeting thanks to you." Barton muttered as he pushed Tony back against the wall. He pressed another kiss against his lover's mouth. "I had to just do it in my office."

Stark chuckled and unbuttoned Barton's shirt. "Did you think about me?"

"A little bit but my overall touch is pretty good." Clint smirked as his fingers brushed past Tony's crotch. Stark twitched and couldn't help but scoff. "I saw that."

"Yeah well, it's going to take more than that." Tony managed a smile, Barton kissed him once again. "Alright calm down there."

Barton then swooped him up in one motion, in a bridal style. Walking towards the bedroom, he thought about what he could do with his lover. Eventually settling on an idea. "I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want to you."

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