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AN: I don't even know if last chapter made any sense because there was hardly exposition or context. I dunno just pretend Clint did semi knew about Stark being HYDRA that's why he wasn't as shocked but didn't do anything about it because he's his husband. I don't know.

Anyway continuing on. Because I like HYDRA Tony.

"What are you looking at?" Tony Stark chuckled as he pushed against Barton's cheek, making him turn his head. Clint Barton stared at his lover as he wondered what to do. The people in this hall were in danger and he had little to no power to prevent it. "Relax will you?"

The blonde twitched uncomfortably as Stark pressed his head against Clint's chest. The two stood in the middle of the grand ballroom, moving slowly to the music. They had somehow managed to clean up Barton and dress him up rather lavishly.

"Whatever you're about to do to these people, you don't have to do it." Barton stated as he glanced around the room once more. There was security but Clint could easily make a bet that they were HYDRA agents in disguise.

"Ugh, as if I've never heard that one before." Stark rolled his eyes and listened to the other man's heartbeat rise. "I'd offer you to join me, but the answer is obvious."

"HYDRA is beyond wrong-"

"Please." Stark scoffed, "SHIELD and HYDRA were one of the same thing. We have the same regime which is to protect the people. But SHIELD would rather do things the peaceful way."

"So what? The answer is to murder every criminal in sight?"

"Isn't that your fucking job?" Tony smiled in disbelief as he pulled away. Clint pursed his lips, not wanting to provide a comment. "You hide the fact that you kill people in cold blood by working for a law enforcement agency. You're no different to HYDRA."

"I only do what is asked." Barton tried to excuse himself, Stark just laughed.

"Stop trying to pretend to be something you're not. These people here, they aren't exactly good people either. All of them are either involved in black market trade, slavery and so much more." Stark's tone shifted from playful to downright anger. "It disgusts me to be even in the same room as them. So yes, I am doing god damn humanity a favour by testing out my pet project."


"No shut up. Clint, I know you're not an idiot, I know that you've known I was HYDRA since the start. Why haven't you ever done anything about it?" Stark demanded and wondered if they were causing a scene. But by the apparent laughter by the guests, it was clear that their argument had gone unnoticed.

"Because my mission was to infiltrate and collect information not only about you but of HYDRA. And to do that, they wanted me to sleep with you." Clint spat, Tony narrowed his eyes and licked his lips. "But you did nothing, as a HYDRA associate, you did down right nothing to obstruct justice. So, I defended you, told them that you were my responsibility. Tony, you were a fucking Avenger, you saved humanity from aliens."

"Like I said. HYDRA and SHIELD, we have the same regime." Stark said. "But it's good to know I was a mission because you were the same." Barton continued to hold Stark's waist as the two-slow danced in the room. "I mean, in my defence, they told me to sleep with Rogers or anybody in the higher ranks. To my bosses, you were just a runt, somebody irrelevant."

"Am I supposed to thank you for choosing me over Rogers?" He gave Tony a forced smile.

"No. I-I..." Tony stuttered and let out a shaken sigh. Barton frowned and worried for the other man. "Point being is, I don't fucking care if you were a mission, I still loved you."

"Where's this going?" The blonde's eyes fluttered, Stark's eyes met his.

"Where? Well, now I really hope you'll forgive me." The genius said and pulled his hand away to press a button on his watch. Clint caught his arm a little too late. The two panted softly, eyes locking.

Barton then gasped in pain, he screwed his eyes shut and brought his hand over his mouth as he coughed. As he pulled his hand away, he saw blood coat his palm. He stumbled back but Stark caught him and pulled him closer towards him. Tony rested the blonde's head against his shoulder and felt Barton shake.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Clint whispered as he coughed once again. Blood spluttered across Stark's back.

"I did to you, what I had planned to do to everyone else." Stark said as he glanced around at the party. "Let's take you somewhere else." Tony guided him towards a room down the long hall.

He threw Barton against the bed and the blonde wheezed in pain. He gripped against the bed sheets and tried to control his breathing.

"It really does look painful." Stark noted, even smiled a little. Clint buried his face into the sheets and whimpered. "I mean it's not going to kill you but I can adjust it so that it does." Tony played with his watch, adjusting the temperament of his 'experiment'.

Barton couldn't breathe and turned so that he laid on his back. Tony walked towards him and glanced down at him. Stark touched the other man's face.

"T-Tony, please." Barton panted and screwed his eyes shut in utter agony. "It hurts. Please...". He grabbed Stark's arm and stared at him with tear stained eyes.

"It really does hurt me to do this to you but I have to do something. I promise I'll stop harming you after I finish my job." Stark muttered and pulled himself away. He walked towards the door and left the blonde suffering on the bed.


Clint Barton woke up with a gasp. His body snapped upright and he was covered in sweat. He glanced around the room and realised where he was. He was home, in his bedroom. He thought about the most recent events but it only gave him a headache much like a hangover.

The door opened and a familiar face walked in with a glass of water and aspirin. He set the glass and medicine down on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed, next to Barton.

"Hey." His voice was soft, "How are you feeling? You sort of passed out from exhaustion last night, you really should take it easy with work."

"E-exhaustion? Th-that's not what happened. You were...we were- "Barton started to panic, the other person only touched his cheek.

"Breathe." The other man smiled softly, "You've been stressing so much lately. Is it because you're worried that we're getting a kid? We talked about this, you're going to be fine."

"No! There's no way in hell I was home last night, or this past fucking week for that matter!" Barton suddenly shouted which caused the other man to flinch. "You tried to kill me!"

"You've been home this past week because you said you wanted to work with me around. And I have never tried to kill you...if you don't count me telling you to chug alcohol." The man muttered, then frowned. "Are you sure you're alright? I can call Bruce."

"No, there's no way I dreamt of that. You were...I was..." The blonde started to pant, the older man pulled him into a hug. "I-I...I'm scared. Why is this...?"

"Just try to breathe. I'm going to call Bruce okay? I'm worried now." The other man whispered, "You're okay. I promise, you don't have to be scared. I think exhaustion just does things to you."



"Is this really you?"

"How do you mean?"

"Just answer me." Clint pleaded as he hugged the other man tighter.

"Of course, it's me. Who else could it be? Just try to ease up a little yeah? Get some rest, I'll call Bruce." The man reassured and stroked the back of Barton's head. "You'll be alright."

AN: Well. I wonder if that whole thing actually happened ? You guys can figure it out. I enjoyed writing this. 

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